
Mass Forbidden: Francis Church Destroys What Is Working

Orange Bishop Kevin Vann, 72, has cancelled the Roman Mass at St Mary by the Sea Parish, California. Father Quang Chu told parishioners in a letter published on Wdtprs.com that there will be only an English Eucharist from September 10. He "understands" the disappointment of Catholics and prays [in vain] that they will attend the Eucharist.


P. O'B
Kevin Vann seems to be a cowardly man hiding behind the pretense of obedience.
Resist. There is a new generation behind you seeking what you have hold on. Faith, Jesus I trust in Thee.
Sad. One gets what they pray for or not pray for to be precise. Pray for a holy pope, a very holy pope.
Sadly, @salliperson I fear we get the “Pope” that we deserve. We are endowed with the leader we are worthy of. God allows it to be so in order to bring us to a place of repentance, humility and holiness. All of which are required, if our prayers are to be heard. We must turn, every one of us, in full surrender and obedience to the Lord, and be cleansed from all ungodliness and iniquity, if we …More
Sadly, @salliperson I fear we get the “Pope” that we deserve. We are endowed with the leader we are worthy of. God allows it to be so in order to bring us to a place of repentance, humility and holiness. All of which are required, if our prayers are to be heard. We must turn, every one of us, in full surrender and obedience to the Lord, and be cleansed from all ungodliness and iniquity, if we expect Him to hear us. Otherwise, our prayers for a “holy” Pope are all in vain.