"Strictest Secrecy": Francis Breaks His Oath

Francis voted for Cardinal Ratzinger in the 2005 conclave as a "transitional pope", he says in the interview book "El Sucesor" ("The Successor") to be published on 3 April.

Excerpts were published on 31 March by the Spanish daily ABC. Francis said he was "used" by other cardinals who tried to block Ratzinger's election.

Although cardinals take an oath to maintain strict secrecy about everything related to the election, both during and after the conclave, it was credibly reported that Bergoglio came second in the final ballot.

Now Francis is one of those breaking their oath. He chattered that a group of cardinals had engaged in a "full-blown manoeuvre" by putting his name forward "to block Ratzinger's election and then negotiate for another, third candidate".

He said he had won 40 of the 115 votes of the cardinal electors in the Sistine Chapel - "enough to stop the candidacy of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, because if they had continued to vote for me, he would not have been able to reach the two-thirds majority needed to be elected pope".

"They still did not agree on who, but they were close to putting forward a name."

When he learned of the strategy after the second or third ballot, Francis said he told Colombian Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos not to "joke with my candidacy" and that he would not accept to be pope if elected. "And from there, Benedict was elected."

Francis says that Cardinal Ratzinger "was my candidate" in the conclave, and describes himself as someone who "makes a big mess".

Francis' version of "Ratzinger was my candidate" is contradicted by the fact that Francis mistreated him, even after his death.

Here is the full text of the oath that Francis and the other traitorous cardinals took before the 2013 conclave. The text sounds like a hypocritical joke:

"We, the cardinal electors present at this election of the Supreme Pontiff, promise, pledge and swear, as individuals and as a group, to faithfully and scrupulously observe the prescriptions contained in the Apostolic Constitution of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II, Universi Dominici Gregis, published on 22 February 1996.

We also promise, pledge and swear that whoever is elected Roman Pontiff by Divine Providence will faithfully carry out the munus Petrinum of Pastor of the universal Church and will not fail to affirm and vigorously defend the spiritual and temporal rights and freedom of the Holy See.

In a special way, we promise and swear to observe with the greatest fidelity and with all persons, clerical and lay, the secrecy of everything that in any way relates to the election of the Roman Pontiff and of everything that happens in the place of the election, directly or indirectly related to the results of the election.

We promise and swear not to break this secret in any way, either during or after the election of the new Pontiff, unless expressly authorised by the same Pontiff; and never to support or favour any interference, opposition or other form of intervention by which secular authorities of whatever order or degree, or any group of persons or individuals, could intervene in the election of the Roman Pontiff. "


Opera 369
His own guilty-conscience is becoming too huge for this sitting man dressed in white, to live with. He's trying, now, to manipulate events and even time, just to quiet that obnoxious 'voice' he hears in his head. So, just like a broad-flat bodied crab.... he goes sideways. (just to confuse and save its/his hide) He knew exactly why Benedict XVI left and who made Him leave (which is the most …More
His own guilty-conscience is becoming too huge for this sitting man dressed in white, to live with. He's trying, now, to manipulate events and even time, just to quiet that obnoxious 'voice' he hears in his head. So, just like a broad-flat bodied crab.... he goes sideways. (just to confuse and save its/his hide) He knew exactly why Benedict XVI left and who made Him leave (which is the most important aspect). Anything that this man says or writes now is just: looking for a way to redeem his name (not his soul) - he knows he will go down in history (if there will be one) as the most destructive Anti-Catholic Church, Anti-pope that has resided in the Vatican.
Can an elector vote for oneself?
Sean Johnson
Yes, and it’s the most commonly asked question in the conclave: “Is it I, Lord?”
Wilma Lopez shares this
In new book, Francis says he was 'used' in 2005 conclave: Ratzinger 'was my candidate'
If true then WHY did he allow himself to be a candidate in 2013 that was backed - and promoted - by the notorious St. Gallen 'mafia'? This has all been reported in several books, notably The Great Reformer [sic] by Austen Ivereigh. Francis is attempting to re-write the narrative!
John A Cassani
@Orthocat Honestly, I think it’s plausible. Ratzinger had majority support, and could have been elected by simple majority if they wanted to drag it out to 28 or 32 or how ever many ballots it took to trigger that option. I remember hearing that Martini even consented to Ratzinger, but told him his mandate was to reform the curia, and if he failed, he needed to get out of the way. Anyway, I could …More
@Orthocat Honestly, I think it’s plausible. Ratzinger had majority support, and could have been elected by simple majority if they wanted to drag it out to 28 or 32 or how ever many ballots it took to trigger that option. I remember hearing that Martini even consented to Ratzinger, but told him his mandate was to reform the curia, and if he failed, he needed to get out of the way. Anyway, I could see the liberals thinking that a few years of Ratzinger would trigger a groundswell favoring a liberal Pope. That never happened, but the College of Cardinals was well corrupted by 2013, and Bergoglio had his wide support. I just think this is a plausible scenario, though it is also very possible this is just an instance of a liar telling lies.
Dr Bobus
Bergoglio wasn't elected because the College of cardinals was corrupted. He was elected because the BXVI resignation was not expected. Usually, the pope is known to be failing for about a year before he dies--lots of time for politicking. It was just a few weeks between the resignation and pre conclave assembling of Cardinals. To many of them Bergoglio was an unknown. and they failed to realize he …More
Bergoglio wasn't elected because the College of cardinals was corrupted. He was elected because the BXVI resignation was not expected. Usually, the pope is known to be failing for about a year before he dies--lots of time for politicking. It was just a few weeks between the resignation and pre conclave assembling of Cardinals. To many of them Bergoglio was an unknown. and they failed to realize he was concealing his 1970s Jesuit ideology.
Sean Johnson
And here I was, thinking Pius XII was already the aforementioned “transitional pope.”
Now Francis is trying to link himself to Benedict XVI? After all the ways he has undone his (and John Paul II's) legacy? Sure the last 2 popes had their issues, but Francis' reign has been a disaster!
Sean Johnson
There’s no substantial doctrinal difference between Francis and BXVI. Francis is just a bit more reckless about he goes overthrowing Tradition, where BXVI tried to hide the rupture called Vatican II. Even BXVI’s lament over Traditionis Custodes was simply a disagreement over the means taken (BXVI wanted to lure the Lefebvrists in and let reconciliation work its self-censorship magic, whereas Francis …More
There’s no substantial doctrinal difference between Francis and BXVI. Francis is just a bit more reckless about he goes overthrowing Tradition, where BXVI tried to hide the rupture called Vatican II. Even BXVI’s lament over Traditionis Custodes was simply a disagreement over the means taken (BXVI wanted to lure the Lefebvrists in and let reconciliation work its self-censorship magic, whereas Francis feels no need to play such games).
Boanerges Boanerges
Breaking his oath means nothing to him, except maybe an opportunity to offend God. The false prophet is not to be trusted, whatever he says.