
Francis Has Given Up on Celebrating Eucharists

The fall of Jorge Mario Bergoglio is reaching new lows. “Our sources in high places have told us that Francis has not been presiding the Eucharist on weekdays for some time,” writes MessaInLatino.it …More
The fall of Jorge Mario Bergoglio is reaching new lows.
“Our sources in high places have told us that Francis has not been presiding the Eucharist on weekdays for some time,” writes MessaInLatino.it (November 17).
Francis comes to the Eucharist in the Sancta Marta chapel, but sits in the pews or on a chair while some priest presides.
Somehow I'm not upset with him sitting on the sidelines.
Denis Efimov
If my memory serves me right, they even called the rite of exorcism a “celebration” at the beginning of its reform.
Aaron Aukema
What is "celebrating Eucharist"? Catholics don't " celebrate Eucharist", we offer Mass.
Mass is the unbloody sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, offered to the Father in expiation for our sins. It is not a communal meal. It is not a "celebration" per se. That was defined, definitively, at the Council of Trent.
However, I suspect a good many clerics "celebrate Eucharist" instead of offering Mass. Such …More
What is "celebrating Eucharist"? Catholics don't " celebrate Eucharist", we offer Mass.

Mass is the unbloody sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, offered to the Father in expiation for our sins. It is not a communal meal. It is not a "celebration" per se. That was defined, definitively, at the Council of Trent.

However, I suspect a good many clerics "celebrate Eucharist" instead of offering Mass. Such should be evident in their actions and statements. Bergoglio has not demonstrated a belief in the Real Presence, and so him NOT going through the motions isn't any different than him going through the motions...
Opera 369
It's all been evident and clear. (Remember him not genuflecting at the Ostensory?) Unfortunately his clerics, cardinals, bishops, keeping guard of his gate, have made sure that the poor 'sheep' went along with blindfolds.... Nothing that he does is 'new'...it's just a continuation of his 'coming out' on the balcony that sad /gloomy/evil evening of March 13 2013!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"a lay-led Communion service instead of Mass." This is the fruit of the Novus Ordo and Vatican II. There's hundreds of parishes in the USA like this. It's Protestant in all but name.
Yes, I remember a film of the great Padre Pio, being carried to the altar on the last week of his life to celebrate the Tridentine Latin Mass (1968). He would not celebrate the Novus Ordo. And even though I was only 10…More
"a lay-led Communion service instead of Mass." This is the fruit of the Novus Ordo and Vatican II. There's hundreds of parishes in the USA like this. It's Protestant in all but name.
Yes, I remember a film of the great Padre Pio, being carried to the altar on the last week of his life to celebrate the Tridentine Latin Mass (1968). He would not celebrate the Novus Ordo. And even though I was only 10, I remember (and I've seen since) films of JPII in his last few months, celebrating Christmas 2004 Mass. He celebrated the whole Mass from his special wheelchair....barely able to move, and unable to speak clearly.Perhaps Bergoglio has simply lost the Faith and doesn't care....in which case he should resign.
Tony M
He lost the faith long before he took the Chair of Peter in 2013. And now he is working furiously to change (ie. destroy) the Church in such a way that it cannot be reversed.
See article written on the very day he was supposedly elected....RORATE CÆLI: The Horror! A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com)
Jeffrey Ade
@Tony M Yes! But.. the gates of hell shall not prevail against Our Holy Mother the Church! Remember that! Any thing man does is nothing compared to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart and the future period of peace! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Tony M
Yes @Jeffrey Ade, you are spot on. I am simply conveying what Jorge & his modernistic masonic cronies are attempting to do.....and if it is to destroy the Church, we cannot underestimate how diabolical their whole game plan is. Why do people keep giving Bergoglio the benefit of the doubt.....when, for those who are watching...any doubt went out the window years ago???!!! There is an enormous amount …More
Yes @Jeffrey Ade, you are spot on. I am simply conveying what Jorge & his modernistic masonic cronies are attempting to do.....and if it is to destroy the Church, we cannot underestimate how diabolical their whole game plan is. Why do people keep giving Bergoglio the benefit of the doubt.....when, for those who are watching...any doubt went out the window years ago???!!! There is an enormous amount willful naivety happening amongst many so many supposedly orthodox commentators that is pathetic & painful to observe.
Hopefully the Bishop Strickland sacking will be a tipping point for many of them to WAKE UP!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Tony M -"Hopefully the Bishop Strickland sacking will be a tipping point for many of them to WAKE UP!!!"
It was the tipping point. I read just this morning, of the Vatican being literally flooded with denunciations of Pope Francis and his people over the Bishop Strickland affair, even as far as Asia....priests, and even Bishops, who ordinarilly would keep silent. Theologians too....and not all …
@Tony M -"Hopefully the Bishop Strickland sacking will be a tipping point for many of them to WAKE UP!!!"

It was the tipping point. I read just this morning, of the Vatican being literally flooded with denunciations of Pope Francis and his people over the Bishop Strickland affair, even as far as Asia....priests, and even Bishops, who ordinarilly would keep silent. Theologians too....and not all of them "conservative" (most were though).
There was a huge Rosary procession yesterday in Tyler, TX. attended by 2,500+ faithful Catholics marching in support for Bishop Strickland, and against Pope Francis. This would never have happened even a few weeks ago.
Lastly, the President of the Polish Bishops conference, and all the Bishops have risen up against Pope Francis and his "synodal church", warning Francis NOT to implement any of the German agenda into the Catholic Faith. This is fantastic.
(as an aside, I read on 2 sites that Francis' overall health is failing fast. Gone soon maybe?!!!!
Tony M
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori. Some very good news in your comment there. Thanks for that. However, I still think it is wishful thinking to expect Bergoglio will be gone soon.
English Catholic
Contrast this with St Padre Pio, who had to be virtually carried to the altar to offer the Holy Sacrifice. I'm always suspicious of priests who don't offer Mass every day, unless there is good reason. What more important thing could they do? In the Novus Ordo parish where I live (which I have not attended for over 20 years) the parish priest there has a 'day off' every week and there is a lay-led …More
Contrast this with St Padre Pio, who had to be virtually carried to the altar to offer the Holy Sacrifice. I'm always suspicious of priests who don't offer Mass every day, unless there is good reason. What more important thing could they do? In the Novus Ordo parish where I live (which I have not attended for over 20 years) the parish priest there has a 'day off' every week and there is a lay-led Communion service instead of Mass.
English Catholic
@Chat Chartreux What was the priest doing Monday through Friday??? I'm sure there was a Vatican document years ago forbidding all this kind of thing. If there's no priest, there's no Mass, so no obligation to attend on a weekday, unless it's a Holyday of Obligation. And the obligation is then to attend Mass, not a Communion service.
English Catholic
@Chat Chartreux You've done the right thing, as I did when I left my Novus Ordo parish decades ago. The liturgical abuses I saw there were awful. Complaints to the priest were just ignored, so I voted with my feet and walked out. Friends of mine saw other similar abuses in nearby N.O. parishes - like an (unnecessary) female Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist noticing that the Precious Blood, …More
@Chat Chartreux You've done the right thing, as I did when I left my Novus Ordo parish decades ago. The liturgical abuses I saw there were awful. Complaints to the priest were just ignored, so I voted with my feet and walked out. Friends of mine saw other similar abuses in nearby N.O. parishes - like an (unnecessary) female Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist noticing that the Precious Blood, consecrated by the priest at that Mass, was getting low in the chalice, so she went into the sacristy and poured unconsecrated wine into the same chalice. These people are ignorant and dangerous.
Jeffrey Ade
Praying the divine office is more important, then offering Mass. But I would think an observant religious would do both faithfully. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Either he doesn't care, or he's actually too sick to try. By his posture in this picture, I'd bet it's actually the second option, not the first. Too tired to try.
Aaron Aukema
He has demonstrated that he is unwilling to show respect to the Blessed Sacrament, bordering on demonstrating he does not believe in the Real Presence. His excuse? Sore knees. He IS however, able to bend down and kiss the feet of Muhammadan criminals, etc.
I suspect, based on his previous statements and actions, that he doesn't care anymore.More
He has demonstrated that he is unwilling to show respect to the Blessed Sacrament, bordering on demonstrating he does not believe in the Real Presence. His excuse? Sore knees. He IS however, able to bend down and kiss the feet of Muhammadan criminals, etc.

I suspect, based on his previous statements and actions, that he doesn't care anymore.
He's too sick to try but he's going to Dubai.
To open the masonic Pavilion of Faith for 0 Carbon BS neo-commies.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I forgot about that Dubai waste of time trip. I changed my opinion. He's not too tired out or sick. He's not CAtholic, so he doesn't believe or participate. And I agree with @Aaron Aukema . We don't call it "Eucharist", we call it "Mass" or "Holy Mass". Lutherans and all other Protestant sects which use breah as part of their service call it "Eucharist".
I asked an Episcopalian "priest" a few months …More
I forgot about that Dubai waste of time trip. I changed my opinion. He's not too tired out or sick. He's not CAtholic, so he doesn't believe or participate. And I agree with @Aaron Aukema . We don't call it "Eucharist", we call it "Mass" or "Holy Mass". Lutherans and all other Protestant sects which use breah as part of their service call it "Eucharist".
I asked an Episcopalian "priest" a few months ago if Episcopalians believe that what they recieve (and it looks like hosts), is really the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. When he said "yes", I was stunned.
But I know Lutherans, and especially Baptists etc. when they have thier "Eucharist" don't...and their Eucharist is more like pieces of French bread, not like a Host.🤪
paul arten
I remember seeing St John Paul II celebrating Mass when he couldn't stand, couldn't talk, saliva running out of his mouth. Surely Bergoglio is in better shape then JP II was.
@paul arten
I remember JPII saying NOM "per tutti/for all" in many languages, giwing the Communion in hand, kissing the Quran, thanksgiving for the Assisi sham, telling fables that Talmudic Jews are his "elders brother in faith" as well as about "white" remarriages in FC and protestant sects as means of salvation in UUS, blessing the syncretic sabbath in Astana, in a word: paving the way for Bergoglio. …More
@paul arten
I remember JPII saying NOM "per tutti/for all" in many languages, giwing the Communion in hand, kissing the Quran, thanksgiving for the Assisi sham, telling fables that Talmudic Jews are his "elders brother in faith" as well as about "white" remarriages in FC and protestant sects as means of salvation in UUS, blessing the syncretic sabbath in Astana, in a word: paving the way for Bergoglio.
Therefore, kindly do not call him a "saint" because it is scandalous.
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus gelooft al jaren niet meer in God, waarschijnlijk heeft hij nooit gelooft.