Headlines—January 7, 2019 Vatican Investigates Third Accusation Against Theodore McCarrick Vatican tosses another claim of abuse because the victim was at the age of consent. cruxnow.com/…/vatican-…More
Headlines—January 7, 2019
Vatican Investigates Third Accusation Against Theodore McCarrick
Vatican tosses another claim of abuse because the victim was at the age of consent. cruxnow.com/…/vatican-investi…
Gesù è con noi
In fact, the Scripture condemns all kinds of fornication and abuse of the brother and says that whoever behaves in this way rebels against the Holy Spirit. In the History of the Church such a distinction had never been made in fact Saint Peter Damian condemns the homosexual act between adults. Although this sin is compounded when committed against a child, but the Scripture condemns this sin of …More
In fact, the Scripture condemns all kinds of fornication and abuse of the brother and says that whoever behaves in this way rebels against the Holy Spirit. In the History of the Church such a distinction had never been made in fact Saint Peter Damian condemns the homosexual act between adults. Although this sin is compounded when committed against a child, but the Scripture condemns this sin of homosexuality at any age.
The charges will not be tossed out at his particular judgement.
The "consent" of an aged 16 youth to sex with an adult manipulator is incredulous. That's why many states prosecute it as statutory rape. But such "canonical" consent is irrelevant to the moral fitness of a cleric to serve as shepherd for Christ.
Gesù è con noi
🤨 We already understand why the depraved Cupich insists that homosexual abuse against a 16-year-old boy is consensual so that the crime of sexual abuse of a depraved gay priest against seminarians go unpunished. 😡
Blazing Cupcake makes it too obvious. They really use the goods of Church Militant in support of their depravity.
Gesù è con noi
The claim that sexual acts performed between adult seminarians and clergy, as in the case of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, were consensual is questionable at best, given the legal definition of sexual harassment and the inherent power dynamic between people in different positions of church hierarchy.
“Whenever one partner has power over the other at work, the relationship is inherently …More
The claim that sexual acts performed between adult seminarians and clergy, as in the case of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, were consensual is questionable at best, given the legal definition of sexual harassment and the inherent power dynamic between people in different positions of church hierarchy.
“Whenever one partner has power over the other at work, the relationship is inherently unequal, and any sexual relations can be seen as nonconsensual,” said The Spiggle Law Firm. “But under sexual harassment law, the focus isn’t so much on typical consent as it is whether advances made by the supervisor were ‘welcome’ by the employee.” dailycaller.com/…/cardinal-cupich…
la verdad prevalece
😡 😡 😡
Gesù è con noi
Alguien sabe quien impuso la edad de consentimiento de 16 años en el Vaticano para poder abusar impunemente de los jóvenes católicos mayores de 16 años; es decir poder abusar sexualmente de los jóvenes seminaristas y poder salirse con la suya, esta astuta red de homosexuales depredadores de seminaristas ?
Ya entendemos porque el depravado de Cupich insiste que el abuso homosexual contra un joven …More
Alguien sabe quien impuso la edad de consentimiento de 16 años en el Vaticano para poder abusar impunemente de los jóvenes católicos mayores de 16 años; es decir poder abusar sexualmente de los jóvenes seminaristas y poder salirse con la suya, esta astuta red de homosexuales depredadores de seminaristas ?
Ya entendemos porque el depravado de Cupich insiste que el abuso homosexual contra un joven de 16 años es consensuado para que el delito de abuso sexual de un depravado cura gay contra los seminaristas queden impune. 🤦 😡
Cardenal Cupich: “el sexo entre homosexuales podría ser consensuado”

Vaticano investiga tercera acusación contra Theodore McCarrick
El Vaticano lanza otro reclamo de abuso porque la víctima estaba en la edad de consentimiento tenía 16 años cruxnow.com/…/vatican-investi…
Gesù è con noi
Does anyone know who imposed the age of consent of 16 years in the Vatican to be able to abuse with impunity the young catholic over 16 year old that is to say of the seminarians and be able to get away with it, this astute network of homosexual predators of seminarians?
Cupich: “It could be consensual gay sex”
Vatican Investigates Third Accusation Against Theodore McCarrick
Vatican tosses another …More
Does anyone know who imposed the age of consent of 16 years in the Vatican to be able to abuse with impunity the young catholic over 16 year old that is to say of the seminarians and be able to get away with it, this astute network of homosexual predators of seminarians?
Cupich: “It could be consensual gay sex”
Vatican Investigates Third Accusation Against Theodore McCarrick
Vatican tosses another claim of abuse because the victim was at the age of consent. cruxnow.com/…/vatican-investi…