There are six Christian families in TN mourning dead loved ones, killed by a transgender terrorist. There’s an entire Christian community shaken to its core. The Biden White House: “Our hearts go out …More
There are six Christian families in TN mourning dead loved ones, killed by a transgender terrorist. There’s an entire Christian community shaken to its core. The Biden White House: “Our hearts go out to the trans community.”
All members of the intrinsically disordered mentally ill cabal are closing ranks.
They are acting like the shooter was a victim. (Transgenders are being given over to their perversions, they are the victims of their own sins.)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The "Trans" community deserves anything it gets over this tragedy shooting.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Because they are deviants who are a menace to the family, to religion, and to education, government, and all aspects if civilized, moral life. That which corrupts a society has always been suppressed or outlawed of criminalized in normal functioning society.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I would not want anyone to be shot, but I have no sympathy for Trans IN ANY WAY. I'm 28 and a Highschool teacher, I've had 4 years teaching now, and there is 1 TRANS person in my juniors History class who causes trouble every day, disrupting my class to say that he (now she) is being bullied during the class....which he isn't. I've kept an eye out for trouble, and the trouble is him. He tries to …More
I would not want anyone to be shot, but I have no sympathy for Trans IN ANY WAY. I'm 28 and a Highschool teacher, I've had 4 years teaching now, and there is 1 TRANS person in my juniors History class who causes trouble every day, disrupting my class to say that he (now she) is being bullied during the class....which he isn't. I've kept an eye out for trouble, and the trouble is him. He tries to get the attention of two guys he apparently "likes". Today he did it again, and I told him he has extra assignments for disturbing the class due next week....equvalent to an exam. If it isn't done, he/she gets an F. He/she ran to the principal. The principal sided with me. When he/she came back to class, he packed up his things. I asked "What did the principal say". He/she is suspended from school for two weeks. The whole class broke into applause and cheers until I told them to cool it.
Can you imagine the work he/she will miss....falling way behind, with the end of the term only 10 weeks away!! 😂
One more comment from Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Hermit in the Center of the City -Thank you very much, not only for your post, but for your respect for teachers...like me (even though in many ways I'm a rookie compared to some really great teachers here at my school, and those I met in my life, especially at Villanova University). It might sound childish, but I first got interested in teaching from the good example of a elderly Sister of Mercy …More
@Hermit in the Center of the City -Thank you very much, not only for your post, but for your respect for teachers...like me (even though in many ways I'm a rookie compared to some really great teachers here at my school, and those I met in my life, especially at Villanova University). It might sound childish, but I first got interested in teaching from the good example of a elderly Sister of Mercy who was my teacher in 3rd grade. I don't look that way now, but I was a sickly kid, and missed alot of school picking up every flu and cold each year you could think of. I was behind one year, and she had the patience to tutor me, and even come to our house and tutor me on her own time so I could pass. Her good example, and a few priest=professors at Villanova made me want to be a teacher. When I first started at my public HS school, I was amazed how many students wanted to be in my class. I was told by some of the older seasoned teachers on staff it was because of the way I look, and that I'm Japanese/American....the only Asian/American on staff...although there are a few dozen students who are (out of 1,300). I tried to build a good reputation, and am pleased that apparently I have because I was asked to teach 6 History classes every day next year instead of my present 4, and my Japanese language class 2x per week as an elective. But I've had 1-2 issues during my time, and the daily disturbances by this one trans person has been the most stressful, because I'm not interested in being pushed into a situation where I shout back at him/her. I would never hit him/her, although he has thrown a stapler at me while I was presenting a lesson. So althougsh 99.9 percent of my teaching experience has been great, so much so that my student surprised me in NOV. with a birthday pizza-party, and we're planning a Sat. trip to the U of Penn museum in Philly, I do have this problem with this one student. I don't have much sympathy for his/her transition or political views, so maybe I was too harsh on my post here about TRANS in general. I'm sick of hearing about them basically. 😉 But I appologize if I sounded too strident, cruel, or inflammatory. Thanks for your post. Have a good weekend.
the trans community are under attack ,can you believe this woman ?Politicians are the worst
Louis IX
Fire her yesterday.