
Priest Refuses Communion For Dog - Is Reported To Sexual Abuse Hotline

One reason Father James Goins, pastor of St Thomas More University Parish in Norman, Oklahoma, prefers saying Mass towards God is not to be distracted by the bad behaviour of adults during Mass, he wrote on Twitter.com (August 23).

Goins as seen many things during Mass: a man vaping, women in beach dresses, men with hats who “almost always push back when asked to remove it.”

His highlight was a woman who wanted to share Communion with one of her dogs. When Goins rebuked her, she became so angry that she called the Oklahoma City Archdiocese’s Sexual Abuse Hotline saying that Goins was "mean." The priest had - no joke - to write an “Incident Report” and provide witnesses.

Goins insists, "Children are not the problem.”
John Edward Czarnomski
So many of these "pet parents" freak out over the whales and dolphins but have no issue with aborting unborn human babies. Sad!
Tomas Urik
Church and christianity is a privilege!!! Not everyone has the honor!!!!
Pet owners today use their animals as surrogate children, witness all the "dog/ cat mom" car stickers. Like many imbalanced people, they have no consciences and are incredibly vindictive when a.) the don't get their way b.) their "children" are involved. c.) a. and b.) happen at the same time. I've had a few run-ins with these types when I reminded them my lawn is not a toilet for their canine "…More
Pet owners today use their animals as surrogate children, witness all the "dog/ cat mom" car stickers. Like many imbalanced people, they have no consciences and are incredibly vindictive when a.) the don't get their way b.) their "children" are involved. c.) a. and b.) happen at the same time. I've had a few run-ins with these types when I reminded them my lawn is not a toilet for their canine "children.". Felines, well... ;-)
Fr Dan
Diabolical disorientation, so very clear
It is NOT ONLY about lack of doctrine. It is about possessed minds and souls.
Dr Bobus
Never attribute to demons what can be attributed to human stupidity.
There is no doubt that a lot of catholics lack doctrine knowledge ,It has been many years of washed down gospel and doctrine teaching ,there is a lot of blame to go around ,but the bishops as the sheppards ,get the most blame ,they are more interested in the financial well being of their diocese ,and how confortable their lives are ?God have mercy on us all
This is just mad.
The Church cannot have over 50 years of liturgical abuse, feel good non offensive homilies and irreverent atmosphere in the Novus Ordo masses and there not be consequences.
Pets are the modern version of the golden calf.