
Francis Must Know It: "Authority That Is Not Service Is Dictatorship"

On the Solemnity of Peter and Paul, Francis preached again to "open the doors of the Church".

As usual, he didn't preside over the Eucharist at the altar but sat aside on a throne. The presider was Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re.

Francis indoctrinated that Catholicism should "not lead to a consoling, inward-looking religiosity" and added the [atheist] attack: "There are too many movements in the Church that offer this, which is not the right spirituality."

At the Angelus, Francis added more projections: "Authority is a service, and authority that is not service is dictatorship."

And, “The mission that Jesus entrusts to Peter is not to lock the doors of the house and admit only a few chosen guests, but to help everyone find the way to enter [...]. For everyone: everyone, everyone, everyone can enter.”


Maria delos Angeles
Apparently the narrow gate does not exist in Bergoglio's mindset
Father Karl A Claver
The greatest act a priest can do is to offer Mass. This lame brain does not realize the graces he is tossing away, and the scandal he is giving.
Tony M
The state of Bergoglio's soul is in doubt if he is an unrepentant, manifest, pertinaceous, heretic. His heresies are manifest....as he has been announcing them to the whole Church for 11 years. Amoris Laetitia....teaching divorced/civilly remarried can receive sacrilegious communion is an abomination of a heretical document!!! And he is reinforcing AL in that statement he made above ("...everyone …More
The state of Bergoglio's soul is in doubt if he is an unrepentant, manifest, pertinaceous, heretic. His heresies are manifest....as he has been announcing them to the whole Church for 11 years. Amoris Laetitia....teaching divorced/civilly remarried can receive sacrilegious communion is an abomination of a heretical document!!! And he is reinforcing AL in that statement he made above ("...everyone, everyone, everyone..."). Maybe it is better he does not say Mass!!! Given all that....God is the Judge...not me. However, in terms of Bergoglio's very, very public words and deeds from the Chair of Peter.... we undeniably know what we know!!!
Tony M
@Father Karl A Claver the scandal you refer to above is one of the many Bergoglio has performed over the last 11 years....Pachamama is a standout!!!
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio as a servant of the antichrist draws people to himself and leads them to eternal damnation while brazenly defying God's Law and the Church.
Billy F
Mercy without a contrite and repentant heart is a false mercy! Instead it will lead to the furtherance of sin and perdition!
Scripture and Holy Tradition tells us that the way to Paradise is the narrow road, the narrow gate (gated) with strict rigid rules of entry. No borders or any rules for the wide road to hell!
Yes all are welcome but on Christ’s terms, not man’s! You must have a right …More
Mercy without a contrite and repentant heart is a false mercy! Instead it will lead to the furtherance of sin and perdition!

Scripture and Holy Tradition tells us that the way to Paradise is the narrow road, the narrow gate (gated) with strict rigid rules of entry. No borders or any rules for the wide road to hell!

Yes all are welcome but on Christ’s terms, not man’s! You must have a right relationship with Christ to enter. You must take the narrow road and gate!

Who are you going to listen to? Pope Francis and the Modernists or Jesus Christ and His Friends. I’m going with Jesus Christ and His friends, the Saints!
J G Tasan
Whenever I heard our priest or Bishop mentioned the name of "Pope Francis", my reaction would be 🥴
Billy F
I pray out loud , for his actual conversion, when his name is mentioned.
Wilma Lopez
Warning against an "inward-looking religiosity," he lamented communities who "don't learn the wisdom of opening doors."
Or borders... ? 🥴