
Big Question: Do They Die from “Coronavirus” or From Euthanasia?

French doctors have been allowed to administer Rivotril in injectable form to elderly “coronavirus” patients especially in retirement homes. Rivoltril (Clonazepam) is used as a sedative. It slows down …More
French doctors have been allowed to administer Rivotril in injectable form to elderly “coronavirus” patients especially in retirement homes.
Rivoltril (Clonazepam) is used as a sedative. It slows down the activity of the nerves in the brain.
The prescription intends to provide “palliative care” for patients facing a state of asphyxia for whom a decision “to limit active treatment” has been taken.
Presently, every doctor is allowed to administer Rivoltril intravenously, however, in 2011 the prescription of this dangerous drug was restricted to only a few specialists.
Adverse effects are particularly increased in the elderly. They include respiratory arrest.
According to Medias-Press.info (April 3), prescribing Rivoltril allows the doctors to administer an often letal dosis to elderly people.
France still forbids treating coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine, although its effectiveness has been shown by the Marseilles professor Didier Raoult.
Picture, Copyright: FolsomNatural, CC-BY
This is how "emergencies" are used to change society. Scary because we're all watching it happen in real-time.
sorry, bad nazis
Roberto 55
They put all deaths to corona statistics. How many people died every single day before corona (in France)?
Novella Nurney
I agree. No one seems to be dying from the flu this season. Everyone is dying from the Corona 19 virus. How they know this is yet another mystery, since vast swaths of patients have not been tested , and the tests vary in effectiveness.
Doctors like that would make good nazis
Novella Nurney
Or serial killers.