
Francis Smiles At Another Homosex Delegation

Francis received at the end of the September 21 audience the homosex association La Tenda di Gionata, a delegation of 110 homosexuals, their parents and pastoral workers who encourage people to sin more.

Among them was lesbian Francesca Malagnino. She handed Francis sentiment-laden letters from homosexuals demanding "a welcoming Church that excludes no one [except Catholics]".

Malagnino is a known supporter of the failed Zan law which sought to prosecute Catholics for proclaiming the faith.

Another representative was the notorious Father Gian Luca Carrega, the head of the pastoral care [= homosex propaganda] for homosexuals in Turin Archdiocese.

He exchanged a few words with Francis and thanked him for Amoris Laetitia: “The Pope listened, and he smiled,” Carrega told LaStampa.it.

Picture: Press Picture, La Tenda di Gionata in Piazza San Pietro, #newsTquehjqvwx

J G Tasan
The catchy phrase >>> "... he smiled," 🥴 🤑
Wilma Lopez shares this
“We are no longer children of a lesser God” - once again, and this time one day after the scandal in Belgium, Pope Francis happily receives homosexuals after his general audience
🤮 🤮 🤮
.conversion its all we need
Ban the Novus Ordo,it encourages this kind of evi
Laura Yunque