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¿Los animales van al Cielo según el Papa Francisco?…/los-animales-va… REDACCIÓN CENTRAL, 12 Dic. 14 / 08:07 pm (ACI).- Diversos medios de prensa en el mundo han publicado casi al …Más
¿Los animales van al Cielo según el Papa Francisco?…/los-animales-va…
REDACCIÓN CENTRAL, 12 Dic. 14 / 08:07 pm (ACI).- Diversos medios de prensa en el mundo han publicado casi al unísono la “noticia” de que el Papa Francisco, cambiando la existente doctrina católica, habría afirmado que los animales van al Cielo al igual que los seres humanos. Pero, ¿realmente dijo eso el Papa Francisco?
El diario italiano Corriere della Sera fue el que inició el aluvión mediático con una nota publicada el 27 de noviembre –sobre la audiencia general del Santo Padre del día 26– titulada “El Papa y los animales ‘El Paraíso está abierto a todas las criaturas’”. El titular del periodista Vecchi Gian Guido utiliza una palabra que el Pontífice nunca usó: animales.
El mismo 27 de noviembre el diario inglés The Guardian publicó una noticia en la que se señala, citando al Corriere della Sera, que “los animales también van al cielo. Esa es, al menos, una interpretación de lo dicho por el …Más
🤗 Everyone & Grace Isabel 😘
when my dog ,who was a real friend to me, died, in confession a bishop told me that if i go to Heaven, and i ask the LORD if i can have there my dog ..GOD can do it. I think its true... i dont know if every dog cat o r whatever can, but only if I reach eternity...what a beautiful thing to think eternity with everyone we love here...even our pets...we can´t even dream about heaven, we dont know what …Más
when my dog ,who was a real friend to me, died, in confession a bishop told me that if i go to Heaven, and i ask the LORD if i can have there my dog ..GOD can do it. I think its true... i dont know if every dog cat o r whatever can, but only if I reach eternity...what a beautiful thing to think eternity with everyone we love here...even our pets...we can´t even dream about heaven, we dont know what its like
Un paradis sans animaux, c'est un paradis ?
Alors les animaux auraient eu le droit d’entrer dans l‘arche de Noé, mais n'aurait pas le droit d’entrer au paradis.
Qui peut imaginer un paradis sans chants d’oiseaux, de bruits d’eaux, et donc mortellement silencieux et ennuyeux, c’est vraiment et réellement un paradis ?...
Turns out Pope Francis didn’t make the pets-in-heaven comment…/da7e9a68-8317-1…
VATICAN CITY — It was a heartwarming story for legions of pet owners and animal lovers around the world: Pope Francis, talking to a distraught boy whose pet had died, declared there was a place in heaven for the creatures with which we share our lives.
The comment was reported last week by news …Más
Turns out Pope Francis didn’t make the pets-in-heaven comment…/da7e9a68-8317-1…
VATICAN CITY — It was a heartwarming story for legions of pet owners and animal lovers around the world: Pope Francis, talking to a distraught boy whose pet had died, declared there was a place in heaven for the creatures with which we share our lives.
The comment was reported last week by news media around the world. It was veritable catnip to social media.
However, it turns out the pope didn’t say that. The news stories were apparently based on a misreading of remarks Francis made at his weekly general audience at the Vatican on Nov. 26 and on a comment that Pope Paul VI made several decades ago. Paul, who died in 1978, once said, reportedly while comforting a child whose dog had died, “One day we will see our animals in the eternity of Christ.”
“There is a fundamental rule in journalism,” the Vatican’s deputy spokesman, the Rev. Ciro Benedettini, said Saturday. “That is double-checking, and in this case it was not done.”
Benedettini said he received a number of calls about the story from outside Italy on Friday and was taken by surprise because he did not recall the pope saying anything like that.

Religion News Service was among the first media to put the record straight. It said in an article published late Friday that the error appeared to have stemmed from a piece in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera on Nov. 27. The article recounted Francis’s words from his general audience on Nov. 26, when the topic was the transformation of all creation into a new heaven and a new earth. The story cited the remark about animals and attributed it to Paul VI, but its headline said “The pope and animals: ‘Paradise is open to all creatures.’ ”
The New York Times, which ran a story Thursday about the purported comment by Francis, acknowledged its mistake, saying in a correction Friday that it had misattributed the remark by Paul to the current pope.
On its Web site, CNN also corrected its story, noting the misattribution and saying it was unclear what Francis believes about pets going to heaven. A spokeswoman for CNN had no immediate comment.
silvia capogrossi
io lo spero...avendo una cagnolina e un gattino!:-(
Francesco I
Ma certo che gli animali vanno in paradiso! Comprese le mosche, le zanzare, le blatte, i ratti, le pulci e le zecche, gli squali, le vacche ,m gli ornitorinchi e i vermi solitari: i dinosauri , le tigri con i denti a sciabola ed i mammuth hanno già raggiunto la vita eterna! Perché dobbiamo discriminare tra animale ed animale ?
✍️ "Gianni Colzani, professore emerito di teologia alla Pontifica Università di Roma, ha invece spiegato che nell’udienza generale di tre settimane fa Papa Francesco intendeva semplicemente che «ci sarà una continuità fra questo mondo e quello gioioso del futuro, [ma anche] una trasformazione. Il fatto è che noi non riusciamo a determinare l’equilibrio fra queste due situazioni. Per questa …Más
✍️ "Gianni Colzani, professore emerito di teologia alla Pontifica Università di Roma, ha invece spiegato che nell’udienza generale di tre settimane fa Papa Francesco intendeva semplicemente che «ci sarà una continuità fra questo mondo e quello gioioso del futuro, [ma anche] una trasformazione. Il fatto è che noi non riusciamo a determinare l’equilibrio fra queste due situazioni. Per questa ragione, credo che non dovremmo far dire al Papa più di quanto dica davvero»."