
Most Fitting: NO Archbishop Places Himself on a Potty Seat

Likely because he wanted to waste donations, Agrigento Archbishop Alessandro Damiano, Sicily, replaced the beautiful episcopal throne in his cathedral with a laughingstock.

The previous chair, built in 1957, was not subject to any monument protection. Unintentionally, Damiano ridiculed [the failed] Vatican II and Francis by explaining that his lavatory pan “respects the principles” of the Vatican II “in the light of Francis”.

Normal people now call Damiano’s potty seat “a toilet,” “a plastic folding chair, bought at Ikea” and warn him, “Don't complain if we take away the Church contribution.”

Picture: ilfattoquotidiano.it, #newsWbxqfrssku

가입을 원합니다
take away the Church contribution //
Bishop Robert Barron pays "my photographer" (and travel companion) over $200,000 per year in salary and benefits.
Since Novus Ordo clergy are getting rid of The Church's treasures, I'll be more than happy to pay for shipping the old episcopal throne to the US.
Cassandra Laments
Probably already smashed up in a hissy fit.
The Novus Ordo chair in the second picture would be perfect for a high ranking mason
Father D. Joseph Waugh
He was ordained by other satanic farces. Birds of a feather flock together.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good for the people. This bishop is sick...as is Francis, and as was all of Vatican II. I reject them both 😂
Angelo Santelli
Argentine court hears testimony of porn on accused bishop’s phone, requests for ‘massages’
How did this satanic farce ever get ordained? I have known good men who were turned away for Orders, and then I see this rotten filth given sumptuous living and housing sporting a bishop's ring?More
Argentine court hears testimony of porn on accused bishop’s phone, requests for ‘massages’

How did this satanic farce ever get ordained? I have known good men who were turned away for Orders, and then I see this rotten filth given sumptuous living and housing sporting a bishop's ring?
Cassandra Laments
Easy answer - he's a bad man and the others were good.