
Major Archbishop Praises Ukraine For “Defending EUROPEAN Values”

In a letter to Perugia Cardinal Bassetti, Kiev’s Greek Catholic Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk writes that in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia "Ukraine defends European values at the price of its children's blood."

Shevchuk calls the present conflict “a real attack on Europe, on security, on the future of the entire European continent."

Article 2 of the 2007 Treaty of Lisbon lists "values of the [European] Union",
- “respect for human dignity” [= homosexualism, sex-mutilation, euthanasia],
- “freedom” [= abolition of civil liberties, Covid coercion],
- “democracy” [= oligarchy],
- “equality” [= gender ideology],
- “the rule of law” [expressed in illegal mass-immigration],
- “respect for human rights” [= abortion]
- “respect of minorities” [= Western self-hatred, cancel culture],
- “pluralism” [= prohibition of free speech],
- “non-discrimination” [by discriminating Christians],
- “tolerance” [for evil and intolerance for what is good],
- "justice" [for the oligarchs only],
- solidarity [with one's own party],
- equality between women and men [= feminism, anti-family ideology].


What do you mean? Russia has been converted and a period of peace has come! The Vatican told us so!
가입을 원합니다
The Vatican told us so ! // With whose permission ?
alfred dunn
What lunatic would want to defend European values? Oh...Joe Biden.
Fr. Nicholas Gruner spent his life and ministry trying to warn the Pope and the Bishops of the world that what we are now living through would happen -- unless Our Lady was obeyed in Her request that Russia be consecrated, by name, to Her Immaculate Heart. Sadly - this was not done. Consecration of the "world" was not what Our Lady requested. Pray, my friends, that either Pope Benedict XVI or Pope …More
Fr. Nicholas Gruner spent his life and ministry trying to warn the Pope and the Bishops of the world that what we are now living through would happen -- unless Our Lady was obeyed in Her request that Russia be consecrated, by name, to Her Immaculate Heart. Sadly - this was not done. Consecration of the "world" was not what Our Lady requested. Pray, my friends, that either Pope Benedict XVI or Pope Francis will finally heed Our Lady's request and obey Her. Our Lord was constantly insistent with Sr. Lucy that the world would not know peace - until and unless His Mother is obeyed.
Pope Benedict XVI resigned and Francis has more pressing matters, like trying out the empanada recipe I sent him. :P
Typically he's called "His Holiness" by Benedict-Buddies who simply won't give up their fantasies. Some writers use it for the similar reasons ex-generals are still called "General". A "Pope Emeritus" is someone who once was and no longer is Pope. It is something the media conjured up, not the Catholic Church. Likewise, the media won't give that up, either, even after Benedict himself repudiated …More
Typically he's called "His Holiness" by Benedict-Buddies who simply won't give up their fantasies. Some writers use it for the similar reasons ex-generals are still called "General". A "Pope Emeritus" is someone who once was and no longer is Pope. It is something the media conjured up, not the Catholic Church. Likewise, the media won't give that up, either, even after Benedict himself repudiated it. All of which I've explained to you over and over and over again and you won't give it up either, no matter how many times you get banned Jimmy/ Jared/ Mason/ Les/ etc. etc. etc.
"Ukraine defends European values" What does that say about European values? Ukraine hosts biggest ever gay pride parade (Reuters) Article Warning: Photos include ugly male cross-dressers and they're walking around in their underwear. None of these guys are Natalie Mars material so, click at your own risk. Here's something a bit more GTV-friendly.
Our Lady warned at Fatima that Her Son was so much offended and that we must stop offending Him - or a worse war would occur. Sin is the reason for this war --- only the conversion, which the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father in union with the Catholic bishops of the world will bring about, can save us now. As Our Lady said at Fatima, She, the Lady of the …More
Our Lady warned at Fatima that Her Son was so much offended and that we must stop offending Him - or a worse war would occur. Sin is the reason for this war --- only the conversion, which the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father in union with the Catholic bishops of the world will bring about, can save us now. As Our Lady said at Fatima, She, the Lady of the Rosary, is our only Hope. Pray the Rosary -- obey the Moral Law -- and be faithful to the Traditional Catholic Faith, my friends!
Defends European values? You mean like abortion, LGBTQ and mansonry?
Roberto 55
-real Jews are almost non existent, instead there are pseudo-jews, talmudists =occultists or satanists. This people are descendants of Khazarians - means they are not semites.
Someday you'll have to learn repeating a lie doesn't make it true, Steve-O "our resident troll"...
Two bad "da jooz" amount to nothing more than 1.2% of the Ukrainian parliament. That isn't controlling anything. That's you cherry-picking your data, like a good little bigot. Nice Cut-n-Paste, btw. Stay trashy, Steve-O.
P. O'B
Attack Archbishop Shevchuk for what he said, if you wish, but not for all you are reading into it.
Seidenspinner shares this
A spokesman for Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the leader of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, says the archbishop is sheltering from the bombing in Kyiv with many others under his cathedral.
Fernanda Dellucci
Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family
"The Most Holy Virgin... said that Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation."—Sr. Lucy to Fr. Fuentes, 1957.