Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’ - …

ROME (LifeSiteNews) — The prolific pro-LGBT Jesuit Father James Martin has attested he has known “…
Father Karl A Claver
The freemasons are out and they are running (ruining) the Church.
As I have said before: I’m certain Jimbo here tells the sad, sickening, unfortunate truth regarding the pervasiveness of sodomy and sodomites within the Priesthood. What he says so proudly and proclaims so arrogantly and impertinently simply confirms what we all know, and it affirms why the Church is in such a catastrophically wretched and ruinous state. The Priesthood as we know it today is not …More
As I have said before: I’m certain Jimbo here tells the sad, sickening, unfortunate truth regarding the pervasiveness of sodomy and sodomites within the Priesthood. What he says so proudly and proclaims so arrogantly and impertinently simply confirms what we all know, and it affirms why the Church is in such a catastrophically wretched and ruinous state. The Priesthood as we know it today is not only just corrupt, but it is UTTERLY rotten and putrid to the core. It is saturated with unrepentant sodomites and those who support and approve of them and their licentious and lecherous lifestyle. Infected in days past by a modernist miasma of wickedness and rebellion, it has long since become contaminated and polluted by the vile filthiness of this unnatural iniquity, and is now a cesspool of abomination that attracts the lowest, basest, most perverted sort of deviants and degenerates in existence. The ever-growing mountain of evidence that proves this dire reality is undeniable and indisputable. And the resulting consequences of it is what feeds and sustains the ongoing horror of unholiness that washes over the whole Church like towering waves of a raging ocean, drowning her in an endless sea of sewage, submerged in gross darkness and smothered in degradation. Alas, divine intervention is our ONLY hope. May it please God to help us, and to deliver His Church out of the foul hands of the unnatural brute beasts who rule over her and seek her obliteration. How long, O Lord…how long?
Homo priests must be the leading cause of souls being lost. Chief among them are the priests themselves.
Jump JET
Judge Merchan is gave the standard instruction that the jury can reach inferences based on facts such as inferring that it rained from seeing people in raincoats. Based on this logic, we can infer James Martin SJ is a fag.
chris griffin
This is one of the worst things I have ever heard of it is a tremendous disgrace to the Church.