
Mafia Methods: Francis Was Behind Gänswein’s Disinvitation

The cancellation of Archbishop Gänswein's lecture at the Fundación Universitaria Española in Madrid, was orchestrated by Francis, InfoVaticana.com (October 25) has learned.

The president of the foundation Lydia Jiménez received a phone call from Madrid nuncio Bernardito Auza.

He told her that the event with Gänswein had to be cancelled because of "orders from above" [= Bergoglio], otherwise Francis would have staged an apostolic visitation against the secular Institute of the Crusades of Mary, of which Jiménez is a member and president.

Picture: Lydia Jiménez, Georg Gänwein © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsEbslbvsmrr

if its true ,what a shame
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Who is surprised? I wish all this would suddenly backfire on Francis....faithful Cardinals and Bishops rising up sending him fleeing to the Polyclinicio Agostino Gemelli with a big problem.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi! Kenjiro!!! how are you?? I hope always you had great time....even though we don't have many talking...but always thinking your great messages...I think Bergoglio hate Excellency Archbishop Gänswein visit to Spain....so he canceled to his speech....I think now Archbishop of Madrid...Cardinal Cobo agree, support to Bergoglio....so horrible.....I am sure..now, we must saying …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi! Kenjiro!!! how are you?? I hope always you had great time....even though we don't have many talking...but always thinking your great messages...I think Bergoglio hate Excellency Archbishop Gänswein visit to Spain....so he canceled to his speech....I think now Archbishop of Madrid...Cardinal Cobo agree, support to Bergoglio....so horrible.....I am sure..now, we must saying!!! all Orthodox Catholic People are must saying about resign, step down to crazy Old Man Bergoglio and crazy Cardinal Fernandez, all Bergoglian!!!! we can't remove to this horrible groups....Catholic Church is a not anymore to Christian Church....it's another new global Religion....so terrible....crazy man Cardinal Schonborn join to this group...ah...so horrible...we can't know what happen to this Synod....maybe this year...just preparing...I think next year October...Bergoglio and Bergoglian must trying destroying to our Orthodox teaching...much deeply....so horrible....so much pray...before this time...please send us real Pope, Orthodox Pope....I told you...I really hope my former Archbishop of Seoul...Cardinal Andrew Yeom get to 80 years old(December 5)....Lord please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope....these days...much sad....Good Cardinals get to old....Bergoglio appointed to wrong Cardinals.....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too.....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Hi Clement- I'm in between clases that I teach...another class I teach at 10:00, so this is a fast response. Thanks for your comments. I agree about Ganswein. He is seen as a danger by heretic Francis, because he represents the true Pope Benedict XVI, and Francis and his homo people are illegit. So are all his appointees.
I hope nothing comes from this "synod". Otherwise, faithful Catholcis should …More
@Hi Clement- I'm in between clases that I teach...another class I teach at 10:00, so this is a fast response. Thanks for your comments. I agree about Ganswein. He is seen as a danger by heretic Francis, because he represents the true Pope Benedict XVI, and Francis and his homo people are illegit. So are all his appointees.
I hope nothing comes from this "synod". Otherwise, faithful Catholcis should all go to the SSPX, or start our own traditional Catholic Church complete with a true Pope and cardinals. People are already talking about doing that!!