
Indian Cardinal Thrilled by Francis' Homosexual Propaganda

Indian homosexual activist Oswald Gracias, who is also Cardinal of Mumbai/Bombay, told Cruxnow.com (29 December) that Francis' homosexual propaganda "Fiducia Supplicans" was "natural" for his country [=for himself].

"Our Indian mentality is so inclusive, it understands people of other religions and other beliefs," he enthused. Accordingly, he called Francis' scribble "an affirmation of our [= my] spirituality and a gift [to me]".

Contrary to Gracias' words, even the homosexual propaganda website Wikipedia.org states that opposition to homosexual acts is "prevalent" in India.

For Gracias, the worldwide uproar against "Fiducia supplicans" is based on a "misunderstanding", and - what he had just described as an "affirmation" of his "spirituality" and as a "gift" - is suddenly "no change at all" and "no contradiction at all".

For Gracias there is "a right to God's love", as if God were under compulsion to love us, which contradicts the very nature of love, which cannot exist under coercion. He calls Francis' attempt to pervert the nature of blessings a "natural consequence" of Francis' [false] principles.

People who practice homosexual acts are "part of our family", Gracia revealed: "I have met them when they have come to me, sometimes privately in my office."

Already in 2018, Gracias promoted homosexual propaganda projects funded by homosexual fashion designer, millionaire and homosexual propagandist Wendell Rodricks, who, like Gracias, felt "deep emotions" after Gracias supported his activism.

With figures like Gracias, it is not surprising that the Church in India is dramatically losing steam, with the number of faithful, seminarians and priests falling. Only the number of bishops is increasing.

Picture: Oswald Gracias © Mazur CC BY-NC-SA, #newsYnvlftwuvw

Jan Joseph
Deze kardinaal is niet meer gelovig, hij gelooft niet meer in God en zijn overtuiging is godslastering.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The only bishops or cardinals who are thrilled with this instruction for homosexuals, are those that are homosexual themselves. Gracias was outed as gay a while ago, so naturally he is thrilled. 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I totally agree with your great Opinion....Cardinal Gracis is a Sodomy man...I am sure..so he loves, support to LGBT Ideologies...totally difference to Eminence Cardinal Cleemis, Orthodox Catholic Archbishop of Thiruvananthapuram....Cardinal Cleemis against to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimiton Abortion....I heard maybe all Indian Orthodox Catholic Members are same too....but Gracis …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I totally agree with your great Opinion....Cardinal Gracis is a Sodomy man...I am sure..so he loves, support to LGBT Ideologies...totally difference to Eminence Cardinal Cleemis, Orthodox Catholic Archbishop of Thiruvananthapuram....Cardinal Cleemis against to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimiton Abortion....I heard maybe all Indian Orthodox Catholic Members are same too....but Gracis...ah..so terrible!!! I think so many great African Cardinals, Bishops, all Orthodox Cardinals Bishops are against to Bergoglio and Cardinal Fernandez's horrible message... Fiducia Supplicans....but I think Bergoglio and all Bergoglian can't give up...they will trying much hardly...destroying to our Orthodox teachings....and Kenjiro...I hope tell another things....I told you many times....if, if Lord will send Orthodox Pope, real Pope..fast time...I must going to Underground Church....like Arian crisis...Orthodox Catholic People escape to Desert....I saw today Bergoglio's Angelus...he just little said about Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI's 1 year anniversary...and he did not have memorial mass for Benedict XVI.....maybe I heard Benedict XVI's former secretary....Archbishop Ganswein had Mass....hmm.....I heard...Pope John Paul II's 1 year Anniversary...Pope Benedict XVI had memorial Mass..but now....ah....feels so angry....these days....I told you many times...much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too....Please Lord..send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...if Lord will send us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time....we must going to underground Church...many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day again...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! one more Happy Merry Christmas..and Even though will really very very difficult and hard year...but Happy new year too!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement. Happy New Year and thank you for your post, which I agree with. Yes, Gracias is gay, and so probably is Bergoglio and all his advisors in the Vatican, especially Tucho Fernandez,
Saint Thomas the Apostle would be extremely disappointed.
Come on India! "natural" for his country
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think all kinds of pervert activity is considered normal or acceptable in India.