
Müller: Many Bishops Became Heretical

In the past, many bishops have turned heretical and led their dioceses into schism, for instance the North African Donatists who in the 4th/5th century boasted to be the "majority" in the face of the Catholics, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told LifeSiteNews.com (February 6).

Müller explained that he compared the German Synodal/Suicidal Way with the Nazis because arguments are simply ignored while "it is enough to tap at the feelings of indignation and the ritual is unwound.”

The cardinal notes that the "leftists" in Church and society instead of responding to arguments, launch personal attacks against critics.

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPlgvsinzmu

Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Dear Cardinal, can you say X is a heretic, when X = Bergoglio or do you have some sort of threat hanging over you?
Paul Kiernan
My question is why cardinals are not uniting urgently to say it and so protect the church. Is the infiltration so complete? Perhaps like Archbishop By Vigano speaking the truth means going into hiding. There must be such danger from somewhere if a bishop or cardinal speaks the truth about PF.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
@Paul Kiernan I think the best or most probably correct answer to your question is that Vatican II was used to prevent real men from becoming Cardinals.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Instead of complaining cardinal Muller would do better to warn Catholics about Antipope Francis who officially promotes both state theft and adultery .
Ok more pointing things out, this post should read, “ Many Bishops have become spectators”
Please lord rise up many Bishops that will take physical action to protect the flock....
Those who leave the tradition of truth do not escape into something which we call Freedom. They only escape into something else, which we call Fashion.
"The Church is not made to listen, she is made to teach:she is Mater and Magistra,"mother" and "educator."While the mother listens to her child,she is first present to teach,guide and direct,because she knows better than her children the direction to take." -Cardinal Robert Sarah
Carolyn johnson
But if what she is teaching is both sinful and in error?
Novella Nurney
Then She is NOT the Catholic Church.
Paul Kiernan
Does Cardinal Müller then imply that the Orthodox synodal system is like Nazzi system?
Why does it work for them?
Thors Catholic Hammer
@ @St Cuthbert Mayne
Under canon law 332#2 Pope Benedict’s abdication was and remains defective.
The validity of the 2013 papal “conclave” is therefore suspect as same under canon law is invalid when the Chair of Peter is occupied.
To become an antipope

(1) an existing pope falls into formal heresy but continues to illegally occupy the office.
(2) An invalid conclave attempts to elect a pope …More
@ @St Cuthbert Mayne

Under canon law 332#2 Pope Benedict’s abdication was and remains defective.
The validity of the 2013 papal “conclave” is therefore suspect as same under canon law is invalid when the Chair of Peter is occupied.

To become an antipope

(1) an existing pope falls into formal heresy but continues to illegally occupy the office.
(2) An invalid conclave attempts to elect a pope whilst a valid pope holds the office.

On the basis of 1 and 2 above Francis is definitely beyond reasonable doubt an antipope.

He has severed himself publicly from the Mystical Body of Christ by rejecting the 1st, 6th and 7th Commandments of God.

Since you know extremely little about Catholicism & consistently fail to understand what I refer to , I respond to your gullible assertions merely to alert other readers to the facts of the situation.
"Under canon law 332#2 Pope Benedict’s abdication was and remains defective."
Thors Catholic Hammer You've repeated this lie constantly and I've corrected it nearly as often. There isn't a single "point" you've made about this Canon Law that hasn't been debunked already. And it isn't "#2" either. It's SECTION 2
§2. If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity …More
"Under canon law 332#2 Pope Benedict’s abdication was and remains defective."

Thors Catholic Hammer You've repeated this lie constantly and I've corrected it nearly as often. There isn't a single "point" you've made about this Canon Law that hasn't been debunked already. And it isn't "#2" either. It's SECTION 2

§2. If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone.

In his last General Audience as Pope he said:

"I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church..."


He also explicitly addressed your brand of crazy roughly a year later.

"There is absolutely no doubt regarding the validity of my resignation from the Petrine ministry. The only condition for the validity of my resignation is the complete freedom of my decision. Speculations regarding its validity are simply absurd."


Simply put, you are telling a deliberate falsehood which you can not factually support.

So instead, like most liars, you settle for repeating it endlessly.