
Müller: Synodal Way Like Nazi "Seizure of Control'

The German bishops’ Synodal Way is like in 1933 when the National Socialists replaced the Weimar Constitution with the Enabling Act, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told LifeSiteNews.com (February 3).

He explained that a self-appointed assembly, not authorised by God nor by the people it is supposed to represent, rescinds the Divine Constitution of the Church.

Müller observes that at the Synod, lay people have 52% of the voting power, more than than bishops and the other clergy together.


De Profundis
Cardinal Mueller on the first German Synodal Assembly: "In a suicidal process, the majority decided that their decisions are valid even if they contradict Catholic doctrine."
German wolves devouring the sheep.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Thors Catholic Hammer
Poor old Card.Muller still does,nt get it ( or maybe he does but isn’t saying).
Ecclesiastical authority has gone out the window like the
Third Defenestration of Prague because an antipope continues to control most of the Catholic Church
Until this fact is acknowledged it is futile to complain about authority and its execution.More
Poor old Card.Muller still does,nt get it ( or maybe he does but isn’t saying).

Ecclesiastical authority has gone out the window like the
Third Defenestration of Prague because an antipope continues to control most of the Catholic Church

Until this fact is acknowledged it is futile to complain about authority and its execution.
1. People choose what they are told.
2. Nazis were democratically elected, according to the law of that time. These voters cancel the existing one. Except if we consider Bergoglio's permission.