
France: Number of Ordinations at A Low

Only 88 French candidates will be ordained priests this year, announced Eglise.Catholique.fr (June 22). 52 of them belong to dioceses. It is the lowest number of ordinations in at least a decade, compared …More
Only 88 French candidates will be ordained priests this year, announced Eglise.Catholique.fr (June 22). 52 of them belong to dioceses. It is the lowest number of ordinations in at least a decade, compared to 122 in 2022 and 130 in 2021.
Meanwhile, Francis has blocked priestly ordinations in the flourishing Fréjus-Toulon Diocese already for the second year running. The Novus Ordo Community of Saint Martin is also down to seven new priests, compared with 14 in 2022 and 26 in 2021.
The same decline can be seen throughout the world, including Poland.
Five of the 88 belong to the Fraternity of Saint Peter, compared to 6 ordinations in 2022 and 3 in 2021.
Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsFarebkujkj
Credo .
Pray for the conversion of poor sinners. Pray for the conversion of Pope Francis through the intercession of Venerable Sister Lucia of Fatima. "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Thy kingdom come. Come Lord Jesus" Through the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Thank you, Bergoglio, you apostate/heretic/homosexualist. No wonder ordinations and vocations are down world wide, after a small but significant increase under the good Pope Benedict XVI.