
The Reason for Francis’ Anger?

Francis’ decision to send Archbishop Gänswein back to Germany shows that he wants to cut all ties with his predecessor completely, writes MondayVatican.com (June 19)

• The Vatican’s statement that Gänswein's mandate already ended in February, means that he must return the salary he has received from February to the present.

• Francis has done a similar thing with some of the Vatican officials who are now accused in the ongoing Becciu trial.

• This is Francis’ way to recovering money and punishing those he perceives as his enemies in a particularly humiliating way.

Francis has not tolerated well that some saw Benedict XVI as a reference point and this may have triggered his anger against “backward people” and against the Mass that Benedict had liberated.

Picture: Georg Gänswein © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsRmyyyrzugj

Next thing they're going to say is ''the desperate Georg Gänswein has committed suicide...or he had an accident''.
Tony M
This may well explain the dynamics between Ganswein & Bergoglio nowadays. It is a long but gripping read. Not saying I know for sure.....but boy does it ring true!!!! Apparition of Pope Benedict to Colombian nun, revealing his real Testament, confirming that he was the last legitimate Pope on earth.
Apparition of Pope Benedict to Colombian nun, revealing his real Testament, confirming that he was …More
This may well explain the dynamics between Ganswein & Bergoglio nowadays. It is a long but gripping read. Not saying I know for sure.....but boy does it ring true!!!! Apparition of Pope Benedict to Colombian nun, revealing his real Testament, confirming that he was the last legitimate Pope on earth.
Apparition of Pope Benedict to Colombian nun, revealing his real Testament, confirming that he was the last legitimate Pope on earth. | ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP
This is explosive. Can't believe there aren't any comments about it.
Hound of Heaven
Reason has nothing to do with. Bergoglio has long been a petty, vengeful, and spiteful fellow (his smiles are frequently more like grimaces) with more than a touch of paranoia and an almost permanent scowl. I think the Holy Spirit was likely 'elbowed' out of the room when he was 'elected'.
hammer of Russia coming
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
But when Francis is dead very soon, don't be surprised if Ganswein comes back.....to recieve his Cardinal's red hat and a new job. 😂 🙏
Jason l
Watch we get someone worse than Frankie bag of donuts.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Jason l -Somehow, I don't think so. Francis has alienated so many good people, and pursued agenda so contrary to previous Catholic belief (even that of JPII whom he seems to despise as much as Benedict XVI), that I think we are in for a good surprise. I read that even many of the Cardinals that Francis created himself, don't like his radical liberal agenda...so I think we may have cause to celebrate …More
@Jason l -Somehow, I don't think so. Francis has alienated so many good people, and pursued agenda so contrary to previous Catholic belief (even that of JPII whom he seems to despise as much as Benedict XVI), that I think we are in for a good surprise. I read that even many of the Cardinals that Francis created himself, don't like his radical liberal agenda...so I think we may have cause to celebrate. Francis is declining fast...so we should all be prepared for his next health crisis coming sooner that we think....and his passing. I don't think he will be mourned much. Certainly not like Benedict XVI was. That outpouring infuriated Francis. He'll get nothing of the kind when he goes very soon.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi...Kenjiro.....I hope you had great time....thanks for you answer to me...always really happy see your great opinion!!^^ do you think Bergoglio will not possible to longer Papacy???? I told you many times...I really hope it....if, if Bergoglio's time much longer....we will have huge damages....so I can't pray for his recovery....I really hope..Orthodox Pope will visit to …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi...Kenjiro.....I hope you had great time....thanks for you answer to me...always really happy see your great opinion!!^^ do you think Bergoglio will not possible to longer Papacy???? I told you many times...I really hope it....if, if Bergoglio's time much longer....we will have huge damages....so I can't pray for his recovery....I really hope..Orthodox Pope will visit to Portugal....Mongolia...no visit...be cause they have very few Church members...instead...visit to Spain, or another Catholic Country much better.....we must saying about Tyrant's Abdication of Bergoglio!!!! it's so hard..I well know....but we must have this duty!!! Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops are must do that!! this crazy old man don't need to retire!!! just Abdication!!! maybe you heard about Synod's message too...I had very huge shock!!! this Synod will much allow to LGBT Ideologies!!! Orthodox Teaching...probably gone....so horrible..I strongly support to your opinion..before start to this Horrible Synod..Bergoglio go to the Hell!!! in to the Hellfire!!!! f Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Japan's Martyrs, Korea and Netherlands's Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus haat iedereen die niet homosexueel is en die tegen de Novus Ordo, de Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie Heilige Mis is. Paus Franciscus haat iedereen die het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie als een grote mislukking van de Rooms Katholieke kerk ziet.