
Highlights from Cardinal Pell’s First Interview

Sky News Australia aired on April 14 the interview with Cardinal Pell. It was filmed at the Sydney Good Shepard Seminary where Pell is staying. Here the highlights:

• Pell said he “became so incensed at the way prosecutors dealt with (two witnesses)” that he thought it best he maintain his silence in court, “I thought that if I were to get in there I’ll have such a go at that fella because of this outrage.”

• He doesn’t understand what drove his accuser, “I wonder whether he was used.”

• It has to be established that victims are true victims, “Guilt by accusation is a mark of an uncivilised society."

• Pell was treated well by fellow prisoners, “A number of prisoners said it was the only time they’d ever heard any prisoners taking the side of a priest convicted of paedophilia.” “At one stage, one (prisoner) said: ‘He’s got two prime ministers in support’.”

• “I spoke with four people (in prison). Three who were with me at Barwon prison were very kind to me.”

• There was “a real threat” to his safety but he was situated at the quiet end of the prison.

• “I got something like 4000 letters. I got immense support, practical and otherwise. I never felt forsaken. I had a daily routine. I followed the advice, I’ve given to priests.” “Keep up your prayers. Get out of bed at a good time. Eat properly. Exercise every day. Try to sleep at night. I also read and wrote. Loads of books … so I’d quite settled into the routine” which he called a “worldly retreat.”

• “I had a kettle and television set. Got a toilet, a shower, a bed with a firm base.”

• Pell released on TheAustralian.com excerpts from his prison diary, which discuss his life in jail, corrections staff, humiliations he endured, and his brief job as a gardener.

• Prison staff were "courteous and decent," but Pell had to sometimes endure "petty humiliations" such as wearing handcuffs and being strip-searched.

• Pell was in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day but accepted it was necessary to stay safe. He was used to such confinement because as a seminarian he had to partake in "grand silence" from mid-evening until 9am the next morning.

Police paid a visit to Sydney seminary on Tuesday (April 14) afternoon. The meeting was related to social media threats against the Cardinal.


“One of the strangest & most useful teachings of Christianity is that you can offer your suffering.”
Now that Cardinal Pell has been found innocent of all the perverted charges liars not that there should have been a court case in the first place. Will he be returning back to the vatican to continue exposing the sodomites / embezzlers use of the vatican bank or would he continue to stay in Australia because we sure need him here in Australia to kick the arses of all our useles clergy; Priests, …More
Now that Cardinal Pell has been found innocent of all the perverted charges liars not that there should have been a court case in the first place. Will he be returning back to the vatican to continue exposing the sodomites / embezzlers use of the vatican bank or would he continue to stay in Australia because we sure need him here in Australia to kick the arses of all our useles clergy; Priests, Monsignor, Bishop, archbisop
"If it is true, why are Cardinals affirming it so often these days" ...every mention of a fact is an affirmation of it, Frà Alexis Bugnolo Also they may have the intention of guiding the Faithful away from the misleading, half-baked arguments to the contrary. Notably the ones circulating online built around misreading Canon Law -without giving those shill bloggers any free advertising.
Pizza-gate …More
"If it is true, why are Cardinals affirming it so often these days" ...every mention of a fact is an affirmation of it, Frà Alexis Bugnolo Also they may have the intention of guiding the Faithful away from the misleading, half-baked arguments to the contrary. Notably the ones circulating online built around misreading Canon Law -without giving those shill bloggers any free advertising.

Pizza-gate was an entirely secular piece of nastiness. Cardinal Pell just got through clearing his name of pedophilila-related accusations and here you are, trying to tie the man to the same kind of filth. Even the rampantly biased anti-Pell media hasn't stooped to conflating the two. Once again, you're putting the "Fra" in fraud.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Ultraviolent, I understand that your paymastes give you the constant task to put out senseless screed, by my use of the pizza gate reference was to make a comparison not a connection.
Cool story, Frà Alexis Bugnolo Needs more conspiracy theories. This one is as baseless as your last falsehood how I once "trolled" your blog. If you truly believed that, I overestimated you. Surely you should realize I wouldn't waste my time on a blog where you can delete the posts that embarrass you.
Still, I'm not surprised you would immediately accuse someone of being a paid shill, a two-bit …More
Cool story, Frà Alexis Bugnolo Needs more conspiracy theories. This one is as baseless as your last falsehood how I once "trolled" your blog. If you truly believed that, I overestimated you. Surely you should realize I wouldn't waste my time on a blog where you can delete the posts that embarrass you.

Still, I'm not surprised you would immediately accuse someone of being a paid shill, a two-bit scam-artist out to make a fast buck. Good writers always stick to what they know. Not that you're that good of a writer. ;-)

Oh? it was just a "comparison"? So you "compared" the remarks of an innocent who was falsely accused of paedophilia to those of a paedophile group. That's one very pointed "comparison" you made there, Fra.

The ink isn't even dry on the High Court's overturning of a paedophilia conviction and here you are "comparing" Cardinal Pell's comments to those from a group of paedophiles.

...and that comparison conflates the two. Quite coincidentally of course. ;-) After all, as you said, you made a comaprison. You weren't contrasting the comments. Yeah, you're a real piece of work.

What your "comparison" shows is Pell's persecution is far from over. He's going to have to live with people like you making these sly "comparisons" for the rest of his life. And why? In this instance for no better reason than his authority as a Cardinal carries more weight than the say-so of some venomous brown spider FromRome.
Ignore him Ultraviolet, he is a man of the world, he needs to ask God for guidance because this man failed Christ by falling for demonic lies. Know them by their fruits.
That's a noble attitude @GTVisrockin. I believe evil and falsehoods are like weeds. If we don't root them out, they get bigger and spread.
I was a witness to the truth, my family and I were @ St Pat's during those days, the fake accuser was indeed encouraged to lie (changing times, dates & story multiple times) no doubt with the promise of making big money. I was also at the trials & as the lord is my witness i can honestly tell you, a demonic evil frenzy was taking place, we were even approached by one of the witch-hunters, as he came …More
I was a witness to the truth, my family and I were @ St Pat's during those days, the fake accuser was indeed encouraged to lie (changing times, dates & story multiple times) no doubt with the promise of making big money. I was also at the trials & as the lord is my witness i can honestly tell you, a demonic evil frenzy was taking place, we were even approached by one of the witch-hunters, as he came towards us to mock us & the CC, he had a laugh that only a evil spirit could express. He said with such a sinister laugh, we are going to destroy your church, and we are gonna make plenty of money while we do it , i replied you would sell this man for thirty pieces of silver, he laughed louder & with a sinister voice replied, yes we will destroy it and your Pell. I could go on about my personal experience but i won't cuz too much to say, but i will say this, anyone, who even remotely believed this demonic witch-hunt needs to humble themselves and pray more asking God for forgiveness and indeed guidance. Our lord won this battle, he wins every battle, yet even some so called Catholic's can not see God's triumph!
So you have first-hand experience? Seriously, you should write a post about it. I'm thinking a retrospective, sort of a "now it can be told" kind of piece. Nearly all of GTV's news on the Pell case has been secondary. If you need an editor for your work, I'll do it.
De Profundis
In one prison letter he wrote: “The ancient ritual, whose central elements go back to Our Lord Himself, is worth more than 1000 sermons.’’
Cardinal Pell was deprived of Holy Mass for almost a year, with very infrequent access to the Sacraments.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
really sad to see a man suffer so much, and in his first interview "throw a kiss" to Bergoglio as "Successor of Peter". If it is true, why are Cardinals affirming it so often these days.... sounds like a pizza gate code word
At 26:00 in the full broadcast: "The culture wars are real. There is a systematic attempt to remove the Judeo/Christian legal foundation. Examples are marriage, life, gender and sex."
BOLT: You and the Pope are not close. He is very much on the left and is a global warming preacher. You are a conservative and a climate skeptic. He has been a weak leader, but you have demanded reforms of your church, particularly financial reforms. In this matter though, this matter has the Pope supported you as you would have wished?
PELL: Absolutely. My theological views don't line up exactly …More
BOLT: You and the Pope are not close. He is very much on the left and is a global warming preacher. You are a conservative and a climate skeptic. He has been a weak leader, but you have demanded reforms of your church, particularly financial reforms. In this matter though, this matter has the Pope supported you as you would have wished?

PELL: Absolutely. My theological views don't line up exactly with that of Pope Francis, but I worked in his group ‘The See Nine’ of his closest advisors. He is the successor of Peter. He's owed respect and I think he values my honesty and perhaps that I would say things that some other people mightn’t and say and I think he respects me for that. He certainly says that he respects the Australian judicial program processes but he has been very supportive right through.
BOLT: How high up in the Vatican does the corruption go?
PELL: Who knows? It's a little bit like Victoria, you're not quite sure where the vein runs, how thick and broad it is and how high it goes.
BOLT: I've described it as running right to the feet of the Pope, not to the Pope personally but right up to the very feet of the Pope. Would I be wrong?
PELL: Yes. I…We’ve got Cardinal Parolin the …More
BOLT: How high up in the Vatican does the corruption go?

PELL: Who knows? It's a little bit like Victoria, you're not quite sure where the vein runs, how thick and broad it is and how high it goes.

BOLT: I've described it as running right to the feet of the Pope, not to the Pope personally but right up to the very feet of the Pope. Would I be wrong?

PELL: Yes. I…We’ve got Cardinal Parolin the Secretary of State - he is certainly not corrupt. Just how high up it goes is an interesting hypothesis.