
„The Time of The Priests Is Over”

„The time of the priests is over” according to Jutta Lehnert, 62, of Koblenz, Germany, a pastoral assistant working for Trier Diocese which has decided to reduce the number of its parishes from 887 …More
„The time of the priests is over” according to Jutta Lehnert, 62, of Koblenz, Germany, a pastoral assistant working for Trier Diocese which has decided to reduce the number of its parishes from 887 to 35. Trier Diocese is run by pro-gay Bishop Stephan Ackermann.
According to local media, Ms Lehnert wants to replace the parishes with “Jesus groups”, headed by lay people who gather to pray, to interpret the Bible and to care for each other. Although Lehnert explicitly excludes the presence of priests she wants these groups to celebrate “the eucharist”.
Ms Lehnert's proposals have already been realised unsuccessfully by the German Evangelical Church, which is falling apart even quicker than the German Catholic Church.
Picture: Trierer Dom, © Berthold Werner , CC BY-SA, #newsBiptrrbhsv
Maudie N Mandeville
' to interpret the Bible' Oh my. And how many versions will that result in?
Glad I don't live in Europe!
The enemies of the church are getting closer to victory every day.
Ms Lehnert should go join the "Unitarian" she already belongs to via flawed philosophy and she will be more than happy there. Though we should still pray for her, I fear she is long gone.