
Peter Seewald Writes Extremely Long Benedict XVI Biography

The German author Peter Seewald, who published several interview books with Benedict XVI, wrote a monumental biography, reports Armin Schwibach (Twitter, April 7).

The book “Benedict XVI – A Life” is 1200 pages long. It will be released on May 4 in German.

Almost immediately, Italian Polish, Spanish, and English translations will be available. Bloomsbury Publishing secured the English world rights.
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Mr. Schwibach graciously forwarded me his reviewer's copy. It's... thorough. Chapter 9: Joey Ratzinger's First Words... Chapter 20: Joey Ratzinger's First Day Of School. *flip-flip-flip* Chapter 271: Pope Emeritus Benedict Takes A Nap. Chapter 300: Pope Emeritus Benedict Defends His Resignation Again...
Too bad he resigned the Papacy @DEFENSA DE LA FE Some traditionalists may ask if God blesses a Pope who participated in non-Christian religious services -as Pope- but that's for God to decide, eh?
Source: traditioninaction.org/Questions/B999_M204-Pig.html
You may benefit from reading the following articles we have posted on Joseph Ratzinger and Benedict XVI. These are just some samples of many others that you can find ion our website:
On his doctrine:
On the suspicion of heresy issued against him; here;
He is not sure if Christ is God and Man, here;
His denial of Heaven as a place, here, here; …More
Source: traditioninaction.org/Questions/B999_M204-Pig.html

You may benefit from reading the following articles we have posted on Joseph Ratzinger and Benedict XVI. These are just some samples of many others that you can find ion our website:
On his doctrine:
On the suspicion of heresy issued against him; here;
He is not sure if Christ is God and Man, here;
His denial of Heaven as a place, here, here;
His denial of the objectivity of Scriptures, here;
His new concept of the Resurrection, here;
His will to reform the dogma of Papal Infallibility, here;
His opposition to Limbo, here;
His action to sabotage a Marian document at Vatican II, here;
His affirmation that the condemnation against Modernist is obsolete, here;
His position against the Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX, here;
His adhesion to Progressivism, here.

On his action to destroy the Catholic Church:
His plan to change the face of the Church, here;
His will to raze the bastions of the Church, here;
His defense of a horizontal papacy, here;
His support to decentralize the Church, here;
His idea of the Church as sinner, here;
His affirmation that the Tridentine Mass is a dead liturgy, here;
His position against Scholasticism, here;
His praise of the Cosmic Liturgy of Chardin, here.

On his support for heretics:
His denial of the dogma extra Ecclesia nulla salus, here;
His part in saving the Catholic-Lutheran accord, here;
His defense of the doctrine of “the anonymous Christian,” here;
His affirmation that only love saves, not faith, here.

On his support for Judaism & Islamism:
His homage to the Jews on a trip to the Holy Land, here;
His visit to the Dome of the Rock, here;
His prayer inside a mosque in Turkey, here;
His visit to the Cologne synagogue, here;
His promotion of Judaism, here;
His visit to a New York synagogue, here.

On his support for Communism:
His betrayal of the Chinese Underground Church, here, here, here, here, here, here;
The papal Communism he presented on a visit to Cuba, here;

On his support of the sex scandals:
His covering for pedophile priests, here;
His weak stance on homosexuality, here.

On his support for other Revolutionary movements:
Feminism, here, here;
Ecology, here;
Freemasonry, here;
Evolution, here;
The United Nations, here.