
How Benedict XVI Celebrated His Birthday

Archbishop Georg Gänswein told VaticanNews.va about Benedict XVI’s 93rd birthday. Due to the coronavirus, Benedict didn't received any visitors. However, Holy Mass and meals were “more solemn than …More
Archbishop Georg Gänswein told VaticanNews.va about Benedict XVI’s 93rd birthday.
Due to the coronavirus, Benedict didn't received any visitors. However, Holy Mass and meals were “more solemn than usual.”
As a surprise gift, Ratzinger received the 1100 page biography entitled “Benedict XVI - a life” by Peter Seewald (En).
It's unlikely that he will be able to finish reading it before he turns 100.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsFqontqsaae
"@UV Too bad for Easter you are still full of your usual horse manure."
Too bad you didn't notice Easter is already over and your jab missed its target by nearly a full week.
You also need to use someone's exact username with GTV's "@" function.. Like this @Ultraviolet @UV isn't going to do a thing.
Your first sentence and you've already made two mistakes. Yes, you're off to a fine start already, …More
"@UV Too bad for Easter you are still full of your usual horse manure."

Too bad you didn't notice Easter is already over and your jab missed its target by nearly a full week.

You also need to use someone's exact username with GTV's "@" function.. Like this @Ultraviolet @UV isn't going to do a thing.

Your first sentence and you've already made two mistakes. Yes, you're off to a fine start already, BrotherBeowulf :D

"To the contrary of your erroneous assertions, Benedict signed many documents as Benedict XVI"

It's a given he signed documents as Benedict XVI. That's what a Pope titled (wait for it) Benedict XVI does. What did you expect? He'd go on signing them "Joseph A. Ratzinger"?

All you've presented for your big show-stopping rebuttal is something no one contested.

How ever will you outdo yourself, Brother Blunderer? Perhaps by pointing out the man has white hair? Or some other equally self-evident remark that showcases your slack-jawed stupidity?

Benedict understands the concept of a Papal title better than you ever will, which is why he emended it with Pope Emeritus. Observe what Benedict himself wrote in a letter to Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, dated Nov. 9, 2017:

--"you said that with ‘pope emeritus,’ I had created a figure that had not existed in the whole history of the Church. You know very well, of course, that popes have abdicated, albeit very rarely. What were they afterward? Pope emeritus? Or what else?"--

--"With ‘pope emeritus,’ I tried to create a situation in which I am absolutely not accessible to the media and in which it is completely clear that there is only one pope," .... "If you know of a better way, and believe that you can judge the one I chose, please tell me."--


Let's highlight that phrase from our former pontiff in case it went past you too quickly... " it is completely clear that there is only one pope,.."

So it isn't an erronious assertion at all. In his own words, Benedict directly refers to his abdication and the title he adopted afterwards and the fact "there is only one pope."

"Benedict's own "directly stated comments" nowhere disavow that he's still the pope."

Nowhere? :P Presumably excluding every statement Benedict has made which half-wits like you simply choose to ignore. He's made others, too...

--"I'm grateful to be bound by a great identity of views and a heartfelt friendship with Pope Francis"... "Today, I see supporting his pontificate with prayer as my last and final job."--


...corroborating Benedict's other statement: "in which it is completely clear that there is only one pope" and Benedict just named him named him: "Pope Francis"

He's done more than "nowhwere disavow that he's still the Pope" the way you claimed, Brother Bumpkin.

Benedict even named the man he personally recognizes as Pope. Additionally, he reaffirmed his position there is only one Pope, not two, presumably for the benefit stubborn, obstinate mental defectives such as yourself

So... I can show, by quoting the Pope Emeritus directly through cited sources, that

1.) He adopted the title Pope Emeritus.
2.) He resigned the Papacy.
3.) He acknowledges there is only one Pope.
4.) He identified that one Pope, by name, as Pope Francis.

You, by contrast, Brother Buffoon, have supplied.... well... nothing at all. Just a lot of loud yapping, the sort a neurotic toy-dog makes while it pees the carpet.

"and typically bestows the apostolic blessing along with it."

Jolly for him! Apostolic Blessings can be issued by Bishops three times a year.


Wow! Today's your lucky day, buddy! You learned somethng new! :D

"In fact in the last Seewald book Pope Benedict states that the Petrine office is irrevocable and forever."

If you want to play at arguing like an academic, then learn how to give a proper book citation like an academic.

Better still, given the nature of this venue, learn to find supporting information from a source online where it can be independently verified. Like I'm going to do right now:

--"The only condition for the validity of my resignation is the complete freedom of my decision. Speculations regarding its validity are simply absurd.””--


That is how you support a position. You need to work on that, particularly in light of your now-consistent record of getting factually discredited by direct quotes from the man himself.

Seems I'm the only one around here quoting the man word for word, with supporting citations that are readily accessible. Little wonder why.

I love it... now I have to teach my would-be critic how to effectively argue his own position.

"you are a veritable font of disinformation, falsehoods and in a word, horse manure. I do not think it is intentional. But your kind of ignorance is reckless at best."

You pretentious blowhard. The only horse manure around here is packed between your ears so tightly you're blind from it..

How many further beatings will you need before it finally gets dislodged? You have to realize I never make statements about the Papal succession anymore without planning a rebuttal even while writing the first one.

You're pathetic. Up your game or don't waste my time.
@UV Too bad for Easter you are still full of your usual horse manure.
To the contrary of your erroneous assertions, Benedict signed many documents as Benedict XVI, and typically bestows the apostolic blessing along with it.
Benedict's own "directly stated comments" nowhere disavow that he's still the pope. In fact in the last Seewald book Pope Benedict states that the Petrine office is irrevocable …More
@UV Too bad for Easter you are still full of your usual horse manure.

To the contrary of your erroneous assertions, Benedict signed many documents as Benedict XVI, and typically bestows the apostolic blessing along with it.

Benedict's own "directly stated comments" nowhere disavow that he's still the pope. In fact in the last Seewald book Pope Benedict states that the Petrine office is irrevocable and forever.

@UV, you are a veritable font of disinformation, falsehoods and in a word, horse manure. I do not think it is intentional. But your kind of ignorance is reckless at best.
Technically it's "Pope Emeritus Benedict" now. By his own directly stated comments he abandoned the title Benedict XVI along with the Papacy.
Hugh N. Cry
Thanks for abandoning us Papa. Living a long time for someone who said he was too weak to serve as pontiff.
Those that compromise:
On October 13, the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, 1973, Sr. Agnes heard the beautiful voice speaking from the statue once more: "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate …More
Those that compromise:
On October 13, the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, 1973, Sr. Agnes heard the beautiful voice speaking from the statue once more: "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres, churches and altars will be sacked. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the devil will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon would be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer any pardon for them."
Happy Birthday Pope Benedict XVI