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Miles - Christi
Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PROOF THAT NASA IS LYING TO US" - Related: 1. NASA IS COM… - 2. The NASA Moon Landing Hoaxes - 3. AMERICAN MOON. - 4. NASA IS A FRAUD - Linguistic analysis of an interview with Neil Armstr… - 5. "NASA LIES: Zero Gravity Space Station" - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PRO… - 6. NASA's Mars 2021 Perseverance Rover Landing Animations - It is impressive how the Luciferian psycho…More
Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PROOF THAT NASA IS LYING TO US" - Related: 1. NASA IS COM… - 2. The NASA Moon Landing Hoaxes - 3. AMERICAN MOON. - 4. NASA IS A FRAUD - Linguistic analysis of an interview with Neil Armstr… - 5. "NASA LIES: Zero Gravity Space Station" - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PRO… - 6. NASA's Mars 2021 Perseverance Rover Landing Animations - It is impressive how the Luciferian psycho… - 7. Telephone Conversation With the Apollo 11 Astronauts on the Moon. Nix… - 8. "I'd go to the moon, but we don't have that technology anymore" said the retired NASA Astronaut … - 9. "NASA DESTROYED THE TECHNOLOGY TO GO TO THE MOON" - Do you still believe we landed on the … - 10. "The Moon Landing Queen Of All Lies" - WITH SPANISH SUBTITLES - Related: 1. The NASA Moon Landing … - 11. NASA IS COMING BACK TO THE MOON - 12. Animación del aterrizaje del Rover Perseverance de la NASA en Marte 2021 - Es impresionante cómo … - 13. LA NASA NOS ENGAÑA - "25 pruebas de que la NASA es un fraude" - Relacionado: 1. LA NASA VUELVE A … - 14. LA NASA VUELVE A LA LUNA - "Hoy, lunes 29 de agosto, se lanzará el cohete Artemis I, marcando el … - 15. Conversación telefónica de Nixon con astronautas en la Luna - 16. NASA: otra mentira masónica. - Un Católico Perplejo - 17. "ASTRONAUTS ARE LIARS" - Related: 1. NASA IS COMING BACK TO THE MOON -… - 18. "Las mentiras de la NASA" - Gravedad cero en la Estación Espacial Inte… - 19. Un robot de la NASA compartió la imagen de una puerta en Marte - 20. "NASA LIES: Zero Gravity Space Station" - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PRO… - 21. "NASA Can't Go Beyond Low Earth Orbit" - Related: 1. "IRREFUTABLE PROO… - 22. "CRÓNICAS MARCIANAS" - 23. Wikileaks commence à relâcher les rushs du film bidon de la mission de la NASA sur la Lune de 1969 … 24. Buzz Aldrin and the Masonic Moon. - 25. A Strangers Guide to Flat Earth: 21 Questions and Answers Proving The … - 26. LEVEL - Flat Earth Film - 2021 - Eric Dubay - Wolves in sheep’s clothi…
Jeffrey Ade
Keep it coming! At least some will seek the truth and then the scales will fall from their eyes! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Well I admit it... I clicked and watched the whole video, but some of the ages of the astronauts "still living" are off. At the beginning the presenter mentions the current year 2023. But later, when speaking of people born before 1950 (in the 40's) he says they would be in their 60s today - that's impossible. They would have to be over 70. The error is repeated over and over, so I guess like any …More
Well I admit it... I clicked and watched the whole video, but some of the ages of the astronauts "still living" are off. At the beginning the presenter mentions the current year 2023. But later, when speaking of people born before 1950 (in the 40's) he says they would be in their 60s today - that's impossible. They would have to be over 70. The error is repeated over and over, so I guess like any con, I'm not suppose to notice.
Miles - Christi
I just checked, and you are right. It's really strange that he gets the age calculation wrong. I don't think it's a manipulation, because it would be something obvious, and detrimental to his thesis. Anyway, the rest of the information seems worth taking into consideration...