
He died of Coronavirus on March 16th - read why

Father Giuseppe Berardelli, an Italian priest, refused intensive care so that a ventilator could be given to a younger patient.
@Joseph a' Christian Please stop being a comment-parrot and lay off the non-stop bold, too.
Joseph a' Christian
Stop whining. The Jew media has been non stop about a virus. My few posts point out the hypocrisy. Homosexuals are by far, the most diseased, virus inflicted group of people. Yet they are NOT quarantined, instead the American Government, awards them/their disease promoting behaviors with licenses. The big Jew media had non stop propaganda, for homosexual marriage/their spread of horrible diseases. …More
Stop whining. The Jew media has been non stop about a virus. My few posts point out the hypocrisy. Homosexuals are by far, the most diseased, virus inflicted group of people. Yet they are NOT quarantined, instead the American Government, awards them/their disease promoting behaviors with licenses. The big Jew media had non stop propaganda, for homosexual marriage/their spread of horrible diseases.
You did not comment on the validity of my main point, you only whined off point.
It was a polite request for you not to spam, you dithering prat. There was nothing "whiney" about it. That'll teach me to be civil to someone like you. Correction noted. You should be grateful I didn't comment on the validity of your "main point". I'll be happy to do so now.
So... you're "main point" is? What? HIV positive homosexuals? Illnesses among them? The "American Masonic Government" the …More
It was a polite request for you not to spam, you dithering prat. There was nothing "whiney" about it. That'll teach me to be civil to someone like you. Correction noted. You should be grateful I didn't comment on the validity of your "main point". I'll be happy to do so now.

So... you're "main point" is? What? HIV positive homosexuals? Illnesses among them? The "American Masonic Government" the "false Jew media"?

This post is about an elderly priest who sacrificed his life for others.It's an exemplary Christian act. There is no evidence he was a homosexual or a Mason and he wasn't even an American much less a Jew and he wasn't part of the media, So the "main point" of your entire all-bold cut-n-paste garbage is irrelevant.

Or maybe you'd like to argue your "main point" is hypocrisy. The source of this information is a.) GTV and b.) user Tesa whose profile lists her as living in Denmark and her posts show a solidly Catholic focus. This news isn't from anyone in "the American Masonic Government" or a homosexual with HIV or a source from the "false Jew media", either. So again, your "main point" is irrelevant.

What you did was spamming irrelevant content, nothing more, nothing less. It's irrelevant to the subject of the post and irrelevant even to your ridiculous exuses of having a "main point".

Every reason you just gave to justify your spam is irrelevant to post. In a word, you're a stupid bigot and you don't know what you're talking about.

The only thing your spam is "relevant" to is your unhealthy fixation on homosexuality. It's relevent to that isn't it Joe-Joe?

I noticed that about you the last time you started foaming at the mouth about perverts and hoe-moes. Oh, yes I did. ;-)

Y'know...I actually had to check if Robert Mapplethorpe really photographed himself with a bullwhip up his rear.

But not you. You knew all about it. Yeah, you're one of those guys, the kind who hates homosexuality so much you can't stop thinking about it, can't stop talking about it, and you can't staring at examples of it. :D
Joseph a' Christian
The American Government Legalized Homosexual Marriage.
The Center for Disease Control states that there are more than 700,000 homosexuals who are infected with HIV, within the United States. Some of these homosexuals also have sex with women.
Homosexual behavior also causes hepatitis, syphillas and numerous other diseases. Yet the American Government allows homosexuals to …
The American Government Legalized Homosexual Marriage.
The Center for Disease Control states that there are more than 700,000 homosexuals who are infected with HIV, within the United States. Some of these homosexuals also have sex with women.
Homosexual behavior also causes hepatitis, syphillas and numerous other diseases. Yet the American Government allows homosexuals to work in dentistry, restaurants, hospitals, children’s schools…
The Masonic American Government and the false Jew media, obviously do not care about the health of Americans.
clearly you’ve done a lot of research. You DO realize that doctors will make these decisions based on age. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🙄🙄
Directed towards “cat muse”
I do indeed.
Novella Nurney
Requiscant In Pace.
I doubt a priest refused care on condition that his ventilator could be given to a younger patient. That is as bad as stipulating only a non-jewish recipient for his ventilator. Its not okay to disregard the elderly. I would be more inclined to believe that someone is using his self sacrifice to target the elderly.
F M Shyanguya
Not buying any of these stories re: Coronavirus death, when Coronavirus Disease = the Common Cold.
This is Jannes & Jambres all over again and this time with fake plagues.More
Not buying any of these stories re: Coronavirus death, when Coronavirus Disease = the Common Cold.

This is Jannes & Jambres all over again and this time with fake plagues.
You must know a whole lot about genome sequencing to think corona is the common cold....and by “a whole lot” I mean: absolutely nothing.
F M Shyanguya
@Thinkferyourself Thinkferyourself.
comfort ye
I agree. It's a hyped up flu. More people are dying in traffic accidents. Why didn't they close the roads? Millions of babies are dying from satanist killing them in the womb. Where is the media hype? Corona is all hype and another globalist conspiracy to take more of everyone's money and rights away.
F M Shyanguya
@mattsixteen24 If he is in CA or NY, he should visit his local bank, Costco or the Supermarkets. Incremental changes everyday for the worse. Each day tightening the screws.
Common sense stuff that you’d think one who has a handle “Thinkferyourself” would get.More
@mattsixteen24 If he is in CA or NY, he should visit his local bank, Costco or the Supermarkets. Incremental changes everyday for the worse. Each day tightening the screws.

Common sense stuff that you’d think one who has a handle “Thinkferyourself” would get.
" Well done, good and faithful servant. Now enter into the joy of your Lord."