
Singapore Archbishop: Wolves Have Infiltrated the Church’s Leadership

Singapore Archbishop William Goh is beginning "to doubt our Church leaders” as a consequence of the growing number of revelations about the homosexual scandals in the [Western] Church, Writing on …More
Singapore Archbishop William Goh is beginning "to doubt our Church leaders” as a consequence of the growing number of revelations about the homosexual scandals in the [Western] Church,
Writing on Catholic.sg (September 1), Goh states that the credibility of the "Church’s leadership" - which is constituted by the Pope and the bishops - has been greatly affected.
He notices that the entire Church is suffering "because of the wolves who have infiltrated the Church in sheep skin.”
Archbishop Wlilliam , What are you going to do about it ??????
Nice smile...but that doesn't work anymore!
He's beginning to doubt? Has he been asleep?