
Francis Consults With Pro-Gay Coccopalmerio About Sanctioning Whistle-Blower Vigano

Pope Francis is said to have consulted canon lawyers including pro-gay Cardinal Coccopalmerio about inflicting canonical sanctions on whistle-blower Archbishop Viganò, according to Roberto De Mattei.

Writing on CorrispondenzaRomana.it (September 5), the reliable Italian historian De Mattei refers to “several sources”.

In 2017, Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, the personal secretary of pro-gay Cardinal Coccopalmerio, whose gay problems where known even by Pope Francis, was caught in a Vatican drug and gay party.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNmoqcboyks
The cat is out of the bag now ,soon or later , God will take care of this ,together with our Lady and with men of good will ,clean up the church
paul grech
Perhaps he wants Cocco to hold another homosexual orgy at his palace?
Cocco wanted Capozzi made a bishop.
'Vatican' will loose it's Faith'- It has lost already. They are openly gay, have secured highest places of government in the Church.. it's demonic. Maybe even the 'pope' Francis is gay homosexual... but, gates of hell will NOT prevail