
Schneider: “We Are Returning To Catacomb Masses"

The deepest reason of the Church crisis since Vatican II especially in the liturgy is that “we banished God from the centre - put God in the corner - and put man in the centre,” Bishop Athanasius …More
The deepest reason of the Church crisis since Vatican II especially in the liturgy is that “we banished God from the centre - put God in the corner - and put man in the centre,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider told RestorationChristianCulture.org (October 14).
This is self-evident in the Novus Ordo Eucharist, especially through Eucharists facing the people which turn the priest into a "showman," Schneider explained. He told about a Kazakh lady, a Protestant from Muslim background who attended a Mass in Schneider’s chapel. Afterwards, she said that the atmosphere was “centred to God”. Later, she attended a Eucharist and said innocently and without irony that it was “a performance of bad quality.”
Anthropocentrism is visible already in Vatican II, Schneider says, but it culminates in Francis' pontificate as can be seen from climate change, Pachamama etc.
Regarding Vatican visitations at contemplative monasteries, Schneider noticed that “the Holy See is destroying the contemplative life,” asking …More
Heriberto Palenzuela shares this
Jan Joseph
In Nederland nemen de Tridentijnse huiskerken snel in aantal toe.
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"Showman" reminds us that Mass has been downgraded to the perfomance.
By the way, France exports expensive veils for Mass to S.Korea.
Wearing veils is angel's command at Mass ?More
"Showman" reminds us that Mass has been downgraded to the perfomance.

By the way, France exports expensive veils for Mass to S.Korea.

Wearing veils is angel's command at Mass ?
Not all Catholic tradition comes from an angel's command. ;-)
Church tradition is just THAT awesome. It's also fashionable.
Not all Catholic tradition comes from an angel's command. ;-)

Church tradition is just THAT awesome. It's also fashionable.
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Wearing veils is valid at Mass and it makes me not look at the side.
"...a Protestant from Muslim background who attended a Mass in Schneider’s chapel." Did he give her Communion, too? o.O
It doesn't say so. It only reports what she said afterword. Also, if he did give her Communion, it is doubtful that he knew she wasn't Catholic unless she made a point to make it known. Just think about how Communion is distributed. You go up, you kneel, you receive Christ. There is no one to check your credentials. A priest or bishop can only refuse to give to those he is aware may not receive.
All valid points. We can hope Bishop Schneider made a point of asking if she DID receive Communion and explained why she shouldn't if she had. But, the article doesn't say that, either.
Cath intruth
Bp Schneider would certainly not give the Holy Eucharist to a known Protestant.
He has been faithfully defending Our Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament.