Heriberto Palenzuela
"She is she"!!!
Sandy Barrett
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Katie Hobbs is no longer the Governor of Arizona. Republican Kimberly Yee the state treasurer is currently the Acting Governor. The reason why is unknown.
Heriberto Palenzuela shares from HolyFaith.tv
BREAKING NEWS: VATICAN TO ISSUE WORLDWIDE BAN ON TRADITIONAL SACRAMENTS, REPORT SAYS! #newsflash #vatican #popefrancis Read the full report at LifeSiteNews: lifesitenews.com/…ts-in-accordance-with-…More
Heriberto Palenzuela shares from en.news

Athens: Francis Projects His Present Sins on Popes of the Past

During a December 4 Athens meeting with Greek-Orthodox representatives, Francis accused his predecessors of having contributed to division with the Orthodox. A whining Francis acknowledged "actions …More
During a December 4 Athens meeting with Greek-Orthodox representatives, Francis accused his predecessors of having contributed to division with the Orthodox.
A whining Francis acknowledged "actions and decisions that had little or nothing to do with Jesus and the Gospel but were instead marked by a thirst for advantage and power, gravely weakened our communion.”
Fittingly, he spoke in the we form (Pluralis majestatis) which the popes use instead of the "I," claiming that “we let fruitfulness be compromised by division.” This is precisely what Francis is doing with Traditionis Custodes.
Therefore he felt a need “to ask anew for the forgiveness of God and of our brothers and sisters for the mistakes committed by many Catholics [= Francis included].”
In condoning crimes against the faith that occur under his personal responsibility, Francis, by contrast, uses the mantra "Thou shalt not judge."
Francis tells Orthodox: “We too are asked by the Lord to realize that we are members of the same body”, emphasizes they are to “cultivate our apostolic …More
Francis tells Orthodox: “We too are asked by the Lord to realize that we are members of the same body”, emphasizes they are to “cultivate our apostolic communion” - vatican.va/…documents/20211203-cipro-incontro-santosinodo.html
Heriberto Palenzuela shares from en.news

Orthodox Priest Calls Francis Heretic, Taken Away By Police (Video)

When Francis arrived on December 4 in Athens to meet the Greek-Orthodox Archbishop Hieronymos II, an elderly orthodox priest cried, “Pope, you are a heretic.” The priest was taken away by the police.…More
When Francis arrived on December 4 in Athens to meet the Greek-Orthodox Archbishop Hieronymos II, an elderly orthodox priest cried, “Pope, you are a heretic.”
The priest was taken away by the police. Deacon Nick Donnelly commented on social media, "God bless this orthodox priest."
The Greek-Orthodox don't recognise a Catholic baptism, and therefore re-baptise Catholics who apostatise to them.
Heriberto Palenzuela shares from en.news

Schneider: “We Are Returning To Catacomb Masses"

The deepest reason of the Church crisis since Vatican II especially in the liturgy is that “we banished God from the centre - put God in the corner - and put man in the centre,” Bishop Athanasius …More
The deepest reason of the Church crisis since Vatican II especially in the liturgy is that “we banished God from the centre - put God in the corner - and put man in the centre,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider told RestorationChristianCulture.org (October 14).
This is self-evident in the Novus Ordo Eucharist, especially through Eucharists facing the people which turn the priest into a "showman," Schneider explained. He told about a Kazakh lady, a Protestant from Muslim background who attended a Mass in Schneider’s chapel. Afterwards, she said that the atmosphere was “centred to God”. Later, she attended a Eucharist and said innocently and without irony that it was “a performance of bad quality.”
Anthropocentrism is visible already in Vatican II, Schneider says, but it culminates in Francis' pontificate as can be seen from climate change, Pachamama etc.
Regarding Vatican visitations at contemplative monasteries, Schneider noticed that “the Holy See is destroying the contemplative life,” asking …More