
Orthodox Priest Calls Francis Heretic, Taken Away By Police (Video)

When Francis arrived on December 4 in Athens to meet the Greek-Orthodox Archbishop Hieronymos II, an elderly orthodox priest cried, “Pope, you are a heretic.”

The priest was taken away by the police. Deacon Nick Donnelly commented on social media, "God bless this orthodox priest."

The Greek-Orthodox don't recognise a Catholic baptism, and therefore re-baptise Catholics who apostatise to them.


De Profundis shares this
It was not just this old priest who thought Francis was a heretic, so did the Athenian Metropolitan, who refused to pray with him.
The false Greek priest is clearly demented. He should have blessed the Holy Virgin Mother forever in ebullient appreciation that His Holiness, Pope Francis, even deigned to grace the shores of their nation with his presence; and being thus grateful, fallen on his schismatic knees in abject humility and repentance and KISSED the Holy Father’s feet, begging as a penitent and supplicant for absolution …More
The false Greek priest is clearly demented. He should have blessed the Holy Virgin Mother forever in ebullient appreciation that His Holiness, Pope Francis, even deigned to grace the shores of their nation with his presence; and being thus grateful, fallen on his schismatic knees in abject humility and repentance and KISSED the Holy Father’s feet, begging as a penitent and supplicant for absolution and to be received into the TRUE Church ruled by the one and only TRUE Shepherd, the Roman Pontiff.
atreverse pensar
The Pope cannot be a heretic. Or he's a pope, or he's a heretic, becouse the Pope must be a Catholic.
On the other hand, re-baptise is a heretic doing.
Sedevakantistický kanál
Eastern "Orthodox" are heretics (they reject papacy and many dogmas of The Church), however Francis is a monumental heretic, and thus cannot be considered pope. So, the priest was correct in saying he is heretic, but not correct saying he is pope. More on that here: endtimes.video/vigano-francis-non-catholic/
This post is not about Jews or "the Jew NWO" @Steve D Quit hijacking other people's posts for your own anti-Semitic agenda.
The priest speaks truth to power! And it obvious that Francis is a heretic
Look at that still picture before film starts. Image of madness!
To the Orthodox priest: "And your reward shall be great in heaven!"
Francis is the first pope to visit the Greek capital since Pope John Paul II in 2001. During that visit, mass protests filled Athens with signs labeling the pope as the "anti-Christ."
Ivan Tomas
Finally! Someone who told him, and three times as wel, what he is - a HERETIC!
Heriberto Palenzuela shares this
Angelo Santelli
Francis-Bergoglio Tried to Interfere
In His Syro-Malabar Newchurchers' Rite
Including the Direction toward Which
The Eastern Presbyter Is Supposed to Face
But, Unlike the Pusillanimous Western Newchurchers
The Gutsy Easterners Stood Strong against Bergoglio
And Bergoglio Backed Down
Too Bad the Westerners
Had they just Said No to the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan
"Ordinary" New Order Mess of 1969
Francis-Bergoglio Tried to Interfere
In His Syro-Malabar Newchurchers' Rite
Including the Direction toward Which
The Eastern Presbyter Is Supposed to Face
But, Unlike the Pusillanimous Western Newchurchers
The Gutsy Easterners Stood Strong against Bergoglio
And Bergoglio Backed Down
Too Bad the Westerners
Had they just Said No to the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan
"Ordinary" New Order Mess of 1969

Jan Joseph
Eindelijk een echte priester die zijn stem laat horen.
"The Greek-Orthodox don't recognize Catholic baptisms"; they also do not recognize any Canon law that grants them permission to hear Catholic confession in extreme circumstances. The Vatican II ecumaniacs are foolish dreamers.
I'm not suggesting support for ecumenical compromise, but I know with absolute certainty that, at least in some cases, the Greek Orthodox do recognize Roman Catholic Baptisms as valid Baptisms.