
Know-It-All Bishop: Homosexuality "Does Not" Decide Eternal Salvation

Mainz Bishop Peter Kohlgraf, Germany, has commissioned Christine Schardt and Pastor Mathias Berger on 9 October with a so-called "queer-sensitive pastoral" which is financed by church tax (pictures).

In the sermon, Kohlgraf wished for a "church" that values homosexuals "and their reality of life" [= sin]. He accused the Bible of having pushed so many homosexual Church employees into a double life - as if the moral teaching were the problem, not the one who acts against it.

Kohlgraf declaimed that "no one is a detriment to creation, all [except Catholics] are loved, God willed them all this way.” This way, he implicitly justified paedophilia.

It is "shocking" for him that the focus on homosexuality - Kohlgraf is the first to push that focus - "mutates for some in the Church into the actual core question of being Catholic."

He falsified the Gospel claiming that homosexuality and a homosex lifestyle did not decide "eternal salvation" but "unkindness," "hypocrisy" or "insulting" others do.

This, however, was a hypocritical and unkind bashing of those who, unlike Kohlgraf, respect Catholic morals.

Picture: Bischöfliche Pressestelle, #newsWtzrazawyk

Wilma Lopez shares this
Diocese of Mainz Promotes Evil Agenda Under a Pastoral Mantle
The bishop puts himself above God and His law, just like Satan does
Bishop, you are flat out wrong - and you are leading many souls to hell - you would be better off having a millstone around your neck and thrown into a cistern. Read these words of Our Lord to St. Catherine of Siena on sodomy:
Our Lord speaking to St. Catherine of Siena
They [the homosexuals] not only fail from resisting the weakness [of
fallen human nature] .... but they do even worse when they …More
Bishop, you are flat out wrong - and you are leading many souls to hell - you would be better off having a millstone around your neck and thrown into a cistern. Read these words of Our Lord to St. Catherine of Siena on sodomy:

Our Lord speaking to St. Catherine of Siena
They [the homosexuals] not only fail from resisting the weakness [of
fallen human nature] .... but they do even worse when they commit the
cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid, having dimmed the
light of their understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery
in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but is
disgusting even to the devils themselves whom these depraved creatures
have chosen as their lords.
For Me this sin against nature is so abominable that for it alone five cities
were destroyed by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which
could no longer bear their iniquity ....
It is disgusting to the devils not because evil displeases them or because
they find pleasure in good, but rather because their nature is angelic and
flees upon seeing such a repulsive sin being committed. For while
certainly it is the devil that first strikes the sinner with the poisoned arrow
of concupiscence, nonetheless when a man actually carries out such a
sinful act, the devil goes away.

(St. Catherine of Siena, El diálogo,
in Obras de Santa Catalina de Siena, Madrid: BAC, 1991, p. 292)
Croí Láidir
This bishop is not Catholic. Woe to this bishop and all who support this satanic “Synodal Church” Bergolio is constructing on top of the destruction caused by Vatican II!
Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification, pray for us!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
The statement is misleading (like the double tongue of the devil). Obstinance and failure to repent of it is. Promoting and deceiving others of it is also a mortal sin Mr. Bishop.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I'm tired hearing about homosexuals. If that's the big emphasis from the bishops and the Vatican and the Pope these days, I suspect that they are ALL gay, every last one of them....including the so-called "Holy Father"
Vincent Capuano
I guess he knows more than St. Paul and Moses.
Sally Dorman
The biggest problem is not what he says, but that there's no one to caution and/or discipline him and the ilk
Sofía Haavisto