
Cardinal Ordains 20 New Priests

Last Friday, Seoul Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, South Korea, ordained 20 new priests.

Obeying Covid-19 laws, only the parents, parish priests of the new priests, and few concelebrants attended the service.

According to Asia.News.com (February 8), the ordinations confirmed the “springtime of vocations” in South Korea.

One of the newly ordained priests belongs to the Seoul International Catholic Missionary Society, founded in 2005 by the Archdiocese to send missionaries to Latin America.

Two were trained at the Neocatechumenal Redemptoris Mater Seminary, which was set up in Seoul in 2014. One of them is Father Fabiano Rebeggiani, 39, originally from Rome.


Ignorance isn't restricted to just the US Bishops.
Give whats Cesar,s to Cesar = masks ,give God what is God,s = , your heart and soul to God
Pope Innocent lll
True, and our faith we must give to God.
Wearing a mask in God's House, is giving in to Ceasar and men who are bishops in name only, what belongs to God.
Pope Innocent lll
Their faith is so weak, they wear dust masks, in a building that was supposed to be dedicated to Almighty God.
They can not inspire Catholics to be strong in faith, they are not strong in faith.
"Your faith has made you well." - Jesus, The Son of Almighty God