Multiple Muslim bakeries refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple in Dearborn. Multiple Muslim bakeries refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple in Dearborn Michigan - all received a copy of this video, …More
Multiple Muslim bakeries refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple in Dearborn.
Multiple Muslim bakeries refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple in Dearborn Michigan - all received a copy of this video, and refused to report.
Zedgdp shares this
Remember the tremendous law suit that followed this ?
...I don't either.
It was silly from a gay couple to order a cake from a muslim bakery at all. I guess that those men knew that bakery would refuse - so from the beginning it was their plan to make a scandal.
And how is that different from the Christian bakers who refused?
It would be just the same.
Gwaredd Thomas
Yes, the "gay" heads would roll. Dem Moozlims are rather proficient at that sort of thing I hear.
Good for the mulins. Of course, if the gays really pushed it, heads would roll.
if it was a christian bakery they would be sued