Bishop Provokes with Transvestite-"Hermit"

Homosexual propagandist John Stowe who makes his living as bishop of Lexington, Kentucky, has "approved" a woman who dresses as a man to live as a "diocesan male hermit" under the pseudonym "Christian Matson". (19 May) reports that Ms Matson, 39, had her body mutilated in 2006.

Raised a Presbyterian, she 'converted' to Catholicism in 2010 and was keen to become a member of a male religious community, but was refused entry to the Jesuits and other groups until Stowe accepted her as a 'diocesan hermit'.

In August 2022, Stowe accepted her "vows", which are renewed annually.

"My willingness to be open to him is because it is a sincere person seeking a way to serve the Church," the homosexual activist literally said of Matson (Original English: "My willingness to be open to him is because it (!) is a sincere person seeking a way to serve the Church.").

Matson opposes Vatican and US bishops' documents proclaiming the truism that there are two sexes [and that water is wet]. She lives in the Appalachian Mountains and, fittingly, works in the local theatre.

Stowe pretends that the Vatican might force him to "fire" Matson as a hermit.


Traditionally the eremitical life takes men who are very stable psychologically - in order to deal with the acute solitude. It's a life of extreme humility and abnegation. The fact that this person felt compelled to "out themselves" should raise red flags to those charged with his pastoral supervision. 🤔
@Orthocat There is no “he” here in this perverse situation. The mutilated and delusional person is, now and forever, a “she” — a female. She was foreordained by God as such and was born into this world as such, with the immutable, unalterable and irreversible biological and genetic construct of XX chromosomes: making her a member of the FEMALE gender of the human species. Please don’t play into …More
@Orthocat There is no “he” here in this perverse situation. The mutilated and delusional person is, now and forever, a “she” — a female. She was foreordained by God as such and was born into this world as such, with the immutable, unalterable and irreversible biological and genetic construct of XX chromosomes: making her a member of the FEMALE gender of the human species. Please don’t play into the satanic games of sustaining such false monstrosities by conforming to their language of LIES and DECEPTION, not even in jest or sarcastically. This person is FEMALE and should only and always be referred to grammatically as a female, especially and most certainly by those who hold the Truth of Christ and adhere to the Faith.
@SonoftheChurch I hear you and certainly don't consider this person a male - but women as well can be hermits (anchoress is the term I believe), so there isn't the question of invalidity like you'd have for ordination to priesthood or diaconate. However, the deception AND the desire to capitalize on it, should definitely make this person unfit hold any special role in the Church as a contemplative.
Billy F
The wicked are in control of the Vineyard right now. Good Bishops are removed and heretical worldly Bishops are allowed to continue their destruction unabated!!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
what happen??? so horrible....Satan's smokes are much horrible....Bishop Stowe following to Lucifer's way...all wrong Cardinals, Bishops are same too....they want this wrong Ideologies to all around World's Catholic Church...specially all Orthodox many area of Africa, some area of Asia, Latin America, many area of Eastern Europe....and all Orthodox area.....much horrible …More
what happen??? so horrible....Satan's smokes are much horrible....Bishop Stowe following to Lucifer's way...all wrong Cardinals, Bishops are same too....they want this wrong Ideologies to all around World's Catholic Church...specially all Orthodox many area of Africa, some area of Asia, Latin America, many area of Eastern Europe....and all Orthodox area.....much horrible situation is Bergoglio and Bergoglian support to all wrong groups....where is the DDF???? DDF must have actions to Bishop Stowe and all Wrong Cardinals, Bishops...but they don't have actions....where is the Cardinal Fernandez?? so horrible...go to the hell Bergoglio and Bergoglian!!! if Lord dose not send us real Pope, Orthodox time..we must going to Underground Arian crisis...Orthodox Catholic People escape to Desert....I think now almost going.....ah not almost going...I think we staying in the Underground Church....and much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer.....Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus..please remove to all Devils and Evils.....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen.....
This is how she looked like:
So sah sie früher aus:
Refused by the Jesuits?!!!😱😂😂
Save us, O Lord, from the hellish damnation of those who now rule over us, and who seek to lead your Most Holy Church into perdition. How long, O Lord…how long? 🥺 🙁 😟 😢 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
The news that Matson is in fact a woman has come as a surprise to many of her acquaintances, since her voice and appearance are that of a man, and she has not often disclosed the fact that she is a biological female.
James Manning
So, on the one hand, anchoresses were a thing. I think the one best known to most of us would be Julian of Norwich. So it's not entirely crazy for a woman to live a eremitic life. I think "consecrated virgin" is the new canonical status for such a woman. He could have just gone with that.
But he had to confirm her in her sickness. It's disastrous and so sad when a bishop fails his flock so …More
So, on the one hand, anchoresses were a thing. I think the one best known to most of us would be Julian of Norwich. So it's not entirely crazy for a woman to live a eremitic life. I think "consecrated virgin" is the new canonical status for such a woman. He could have just gone with that.

But he had to confirm her in her sickness. It's disastrous and so sad when a bishop fails his flock so catastrophically.
LifeSiteNews reached out to Bishop Stowe and Matson for comment, but has not received a response as of the time of publishing.
Catholic ‘hermit’ approved by heterodox Bishop Stowe comes out as ‘transgender’ - LifeSite
Dr Bobus
I wonder whether the beard is the result of taking hormones
Fat hermit? 🤔🤔
@sarto2010 The steroids blew her up like that. She’s a monstrosity.