
Female Bishop to Be Ordained in Catholic Church

Susan Bunton Haynes will be instituted as the 11th lay-bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia. The event will be held on February 1 in St Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg. It will be …More
Susan Bunton Haynes will be instituted as the 11th lay-bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia.
The event will be held on February 1 in St Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg. It will be performed by Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church.
Contradicting the bible, the declining Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia “blesses” homosex pseudo-marriages and promotes homosex ideology.
St Bede belongs to Richmond Diocese. It looks like a Protestant church with an organ in lieu of the high altar.
For January 17, the parish invites “all fathers and father figures” to the 7th Annual Father-Daughter Dance.
The statement “all fathers and father figures to the 7th Annual Father-Daughter Dance" is meant to show that those who may no longer have a father or who have fathers who are not available to attend may come with an older brother, uncle, godparent, grandparent, etc. To imply otherwise show extreme hatred.
Gesù è con noi
With the complicity of these two apostates 🤨 🤦
Bishop Barry C. Knestout Metropolitan Archbishop William E. Lori
Gesù è con noi
Also with the complicity of the apostate parish priest Joseph P. Lehman 🤦
Susan playing make-believe. She's no more bishop than a mouse.
Gesù è con noi
The Bergoglio sect continues their rebellion against the Church replacing Catholicism with cultural Marxism. These apostates are replacing the Church with a sect similar to the Anglicans in which they are introducing the Marxist gender ideology.
Gesù è con noi
What must be done is to leave all the churches run by the apostates so as not to make us complicit with them, since this apostate sect is not our Church.
Gesù è con noi
Esta no es mi Iglesia católica y no obedeceré nunca a estos apostatas.
Here we go. They're not even waiting for a gradual introduction of "female deacons".
So whats wrong with vatii you may ask. "Let me count the ways"
Thors Catholic Hammer
Pagan antiChristian events of this kind taking place in Catholic Church’s will increase in frequency until antipope francis is removed.