‘Help! I am constantly arguing with my Tridentine-rite-loving granddaughter who wants to “turn the …

Many young people express enthusiasm for the old rite and embarrassment at some modern liturgy. In …
Naomi Arai
Embarrassing modern liturgy? Gah, I can’t even attend Novus Ordo.
chris griffin
I do believe in the Tridentine Rite except in English so that everyone can follow along comfortable that they understand completely.
Anyone who prefers the Novus Ordo to the traditional Mass has a very strong streak of the protestant in them.
John A Cassani
The priest writing the reply is to be commended for being open to the possibility that the future looks a lot more traditional. His counterparts from 1968 should have known better.
Billy F
Out of the mouth of Babes. Her Granddaughter is the future.