
Will Francis Visit Ukraine Before His Kazakhstan Trip?

Francis could make his long-announced trip to Kiev before visiting Kazakhstan in September, said Andrii Yurash, Ukraine's ambassador to the Holy See. The Vatican has not confirmed this news.

Francis received Yurash on August 6 who then wrote on Twitter.com that the people of Ukraine "have been waiting for the pope" and will "be happy to greet him before his trip to Kazakhstan."

"I am very close to Ukraine and want to express this closeness (through) my visit to Ukraine," Francis told Yurash.

It is likely that Francis will also meet Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill during his September 13-15 visit to Kazakhstan.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
With luck, maybe he'll suddenly have to back out of both trips. A blessing that would be. I don't wish anyone dead etc., just it would be great if he had to cancel them all.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori..we can't know..when Lord send to us real Pope...but just I hope..these days..I hope 2 Cardinals..will get Pope...first..Eminence Cardinal Wim Eijk..Archbishop of Utrecht,Netherlands...I well don't know about him..but some knows about his effort..he effort protect to Our Orthodox Teachings..If Lord will choose him..I think will be Great Pope..maybe..and Second...Eminence Cardinal …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori..we can't know..when Lord send to us real Pope...but just I hope..these days..I hope 2 Cardinals..will get Pope...first..Eminence Cardinal Wim Eijk..Archbishop of Utrecht,Netherlands...I well don't know about him..but some knows about his effort..he effort protect to Our Orthodox Teachings..If Lord will choose him..I think will be Great Pope..maybe..and Second...Eminence Cardinal Peter Erdo..archbishop of Budapest Hungary....I heard he is a Orthodox Cardinal too..and maybe Dark horse....if he will get Pope..I think really better than Bergoglio.. .of course if we will see the Orthodox Pope soon...will be very hard...be cause Bergoglio make wrong man,so many wrong man to Cardinals,Bishops...but if we will see Orthodox Pope..I am sure really,really better than this crazy old man...we don't need anymore this type,fake Pope...and we must,must fight to Bergoglio and all Bergoglian!!! I really hope about your opinon..so write message...God bless always you and all your family..Holy Mary,all Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen
Could Zelenskiy or Putin not keep that impious sodomite?
Credo .
Which priestly order do you belong to Father? 🤔
Father D. Joseph Waugh
Why doesn't he just stay home and leave everyone the hell alone?