
Francis’ Preferred Exorcist Is a "Lutheran"

Professor Giuseppe Ferrari, an organizer of the annual “Course on Exorcism“ at the Roman University “Regina Apostolorum” which belongs to the Legionaries of Christ, told the fake-news New York Times (April 19) that for next year’s conference he wants to invite "the Pope’s preferred exorcist, a Lutheran”.

Ferrari does not mention his name.

However, in March 2013 the Argentinean Diario Popular named the flamboyant Lutheran preacher Manuel Acuña as “Pope Francis’ Favourite Exorcist”.

Acuña who calls himself a "bishop" and dresses up like a Catholic bishop, is a personal friend of Francis. He belongs to the "Charismatic Lutheran church of Argentina". In March 2015 he performed an "exorcism" of a 22-year-old woman in live broadcast. Debate.com.mx called this live show "sexy and unusual".

Bergoglio used to recommend Acuña as spiritual healer when someone showed signs of a diabolic possession.

Picture: Jorge Bergoglio, Manuel Acuña, #newsByzvftsmqd

Wilma Lopez and one more user link to this post
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
The fraudulent "exorcist" Manuel Acuña has publicly acknowledged that Bergoglio has referred to him cases of diabolical possessions.
Nuevo Diario March 2014
«Friend of the Pope, the Lutheran bishop Manuel Acuña, has carried out more than 500 rituals
Friendship with Bergoglio.
His friendship with Jorge Bergoglio, today Pope Francis, is also known. It is an open secret that, many times, Bergoglio …More
The fraudulent "exorcist" Manuel Acuña has publicly acknowledged that Bergoglio has referred to him cases of diabolical possessions.

Nuevo Diario March 2014

«Friend of the Pope, the Lutheran bishop Manuel Acuña, has carried out more than 500 rituals
Friendship with Bergoglio.

His friendship with Jorge Bergoglio, today Pope Francis, is also known. It is an open secret that, many times, Bergoglio himself recommended Acuña to intervene in some case, due to his well-known wisdom on the subject. "We are very friendly, the Holy Father is an extraordinary person. We know to each other very well, and he has great respect for spiritual healing.»

Bergoglio called his heretic friend: "BISHOP" and gave him the cross that he wear in his chest.

Bergoglio: "To the bishop Manuel Acuña, with my blessing and asking him to pray for me. Fraternally"
Bergoglio had no exorcists in his diocese, despite the need
Bergoglio's favorite ‘exorcist’ instead of expelling the demon induces diabolical possessions.
jesuitism hes the head of the double speech
Everything this guy does somehow gets twisted
Why? Is the Spirit inspiring Francis terrified that a TRUE Priest could exorcise him? I take it - that he's aware that their Holy Orders are null and void. The RC Church found out at the time of Cardinal Newman's necessary re-Ordination that all claimed Ordination Rites (apart from the Orthodox) had been altered sufficiently from the Roman Rite at the time of the Protestant Reformation to have …More
Why? Is the Spirit inspiring Francis terrified that a TRUE Priest could exorcise him? I take it - that he's aware that their Holy Orders are null and void. The RC Church found out at the time of Cardinal Newman's necessary re-Ordination that all claimed Ordination Rites (apart from the Orthodox) had been altered sufficiently from the Roman Rite at the time of the Protestant Reformation to have invalidated them centuries ago. They lost (deliberately ) their Apostolic Succession - at that juncture - so what would make that condition any less invalid NOW?

You mad person, PF, why pretend it to be otherwise? That's quite a collection of Anathema's you've got in that pile there - One's sufficient to damn you to the Hell that you say does not exist. Christ is more to be believed than you are. If you say differently - then your inspirer is Satan.
adeste fideles
Atanasio de Trento Gracias por la aclaración de que esa noticia no es falsa.. ✍️
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Grace Isabel compartió esta noticia Exorcista preferido de Francisco es un “luterano" y comentó agresivamente y levantando falso testimonio escribió: "Esto no es verdad es una falsa noticia. Se respeta la opinión y la forma de cada uno pero mentiras no. Lamento que se permitan este tipo de publicaciones, venidas del inmundo satanás"
🤫 Grace Isabel Esta no es una falsa noticia fue escrita a …More
Grace Isabel compartió esta noticia Exorcista preferido de Francisco es un “luterano" y comentó agresivamente y levantando falso testimonio escribió: "Esto no es verdad es una falsa noticia. Se respeta la opinión y la forma de cada uno pero mentiras no. Lamento que se permitan este tipo de publicaciones, venidas del inmundo satanás"

🤫 Grace Isabel Esta no es una falsa noticia fue escrita a manera de sarcasmo para cuestionar la afirmación que hizo el Profesor Giuseppe Ferrari al New York Time el 19 de Abril
El Legionario el Profesor Ferrari dijo en el New York Time: "que esperaba invitar al exorcista Luterano preferido del Papa, a la conferencia del próximo año".

San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Martin Luther's slogan was: "Take away the Mass, destroy the Church."
Padre Pio Said that Martin Luther is in Hell and Christian who follow him will meet the same end - Fr.Stefano Manelli F.I, founder of the Franciscans of the ImmaculateMore
Martin Luther's slogan was: "Take away the Mass, destroy the Church."

Padre Pio Said that Martin Luther is in Hell and Christian who follow him will meet the same end - Fr.Stefano Manelli F.I, founder of the Franciscans of the Immaculate
2 more comments from San Atanasio ora pro nobis
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Los legionarios de Cristo están involucrados en este acto de apostasía pública.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
This is another proof that Bergoglio from Argentina did not profess the Catholic faith but had already separated from the Church. The Magisterium of the Church decrees the automatic excommunication for those who support the heretics and has declared null the elevation to the papacy of a heretic; who, prior to his election, had already deviated from the Catholic faith. padremanuelacuna.blogspot.com …More
This is another proof that Bergoglio from Argentina did not profess the Catholic faith but had already separated from the Church. The Magisterium of the Church decrees the automatic excommunication for those who support the heretics and has declared null the elevation to the papacy of a heretic; who, prior to his election, had already deviated from the Catholic faith. padremanuelacuna.blogspot.com/…/26-de-septiembr…
i better not comment here.