
How Personalism Has Poisoned the Church

Philosophical personalism - which was also taught by John Paul II - has contributed to today's deep crisis in Catholicism, writes ItreSentieri.it (12 August). - The French philosopher Emmanuel Mounier …More
Philosophical personalism - which was also taught by John Paul II - has contributed to today's deep crisis in Catholicism, writes ItreSentieri.it (12 August).
- The French philosopher Emmanuel Mounier (+1955), the inventor of personalism, claims that "no precise definition of the person" can be given.
- According to him, one can only define objects that are outside man and that man can put before his eyes, but the person is precisely that in every man that cannot be treated as an object.
- This assertion implies that the definition of the person given in classical metaphysics is "false".
- Severinus Boethius (+525) said that the person is a 'rationalis naturae individua substantia' (an individual substance of a rational nature).
- Mounier reduces the person to a collection of psychological manifestations in which feelings, emotions, states of mind (etc.) are central.
- As a consequence, personalism claims that faith is "no longer" an assent of the intellect to revealed truths, but a …More
Klaus Elmar Müller
The emphasis on the person and their continued life after the death of the body is quintessentially Catholic and part of Catholic social teaching. Catholic philosophers such as Guardini, Seifert and Spaemann opposed liberal individualism and communist collectivism to the person with his dignity, freedom and God-centeredness. Declaring Saint John Paul II a relativist in the spirit of the unknown …More
The emphasis on the person and their continued life after the death of the body is quintessentially Catholic and part of Catholic social teaching. Catholic philosophers such as Guardini, Seifert and Spaemann opposed liberal individualism and communist collectivism to the person with his dignity, freedom and God-centeredness. Declaring Saint John Paul II a relativist in the spirit of the unknown philosopher Mounier is cheap polemic. This pope vigorously insisted on unchanging divine commandments, particularly on the issues of marriage, abortion and homosexuality. The critics of this Pope seem to have fallen into a pious integrism, a heresy that grew out of Jansenism.
Simon North
With that last sentence, what you appear to know about "integralism," you could write on the head of a pin and leave room for the Gettysburg Address. And, though Mounier might be "an unknown philosopher" to you, he certainly isn't to anyone who has read 20th century philosophy. As for Wojtyla: he wrote the section in Gaudium et Spes that altered the ends of marriage and completed his Modernist …More
With that last sentence, what you appear to know about "integralism," you could write on the head of a pin and leave room for the Gettysburg Address. And, though Mounier might be "an unknown philosopher" to you, he certainly isn't to anyone who has read 20th century philosophy. As for Wojtyla: he wrote the section in Gaudium et Spes that altered the ends of marriage and completed his Modernist rampage with the unleashing the personalist gobbley-gook labeled as "Theology of the Body." 'Nuff said.
Klaus Elmar Müller
@Simon North Are you saying that marriage is only for procreation? This would also work without marriage, even quantitatively more. Paul VI described in "Humanae vitae" that even the sexual act is more than reproduction, yes: more, namely the devotion of two people to each other.
Hmmm….let’s just hope he didn’t collaborate with the nazis under Vichy France.🤨🤔
Naomi Arai
Mounier didn’t invent anything. It’s just another name for Modernism, which is yet another name for sin derived from pride…putting oneself on a pedestal above God.
Novena - Oremus
It's about psychology replacing religion. "Disorders" replacing a concept of sin.
Naomi Arai
Exactly. Another excuse for sin. Pride.