Fréjus-Toulon: The Screws Are Being Tightened

Monsignor Dominique Rey, Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon in France, appointed in 2000, had long displeased Francis because his diocese was flourishing and attracting "too many" vocations.

So in November 2023, Francis appointed a coadjutor bishop, Monsignor François Touvet.

After six months, Monsignor Touvet, the coadjutor, is actively working to disempower Monsignor Rey, the diocesan bishop, writes Paix Liturgique (21 June).

For example: the assignment of priests in the diocese is not decided by the Ordinary, but by the Coadjutor.

All that's left to the Ordinary is to appoint volunteer auxiliaries for prisons and hospitals: "Mgr Rey watches over the souls of the prisoners, he is one of them...", writes Paix Liturgique, and even speaks of a "palace revolution" instigated by his coadjutor.

According to Paix Liturgique, a central aim in Fréjus-Toulon will be to eradicate Holy Mass and replace it with Eucharists and liturgy-light, a plan that will be extended to the whole of France.

Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNjtsqwnyeu

Sean Johnson
Well duh. It’s the conciliar church. Do you seriously believe that they will ever allow real tradition? That’s like throwing foxes into the henhouse and expecting coexistence. These conservatives need to wake up and smell the coffee: They should shut up and say the new mass, or become real trads who pay no mind to the anticatholic dictates of conciliar Rome.
Jan Joseph
Protesteer door de Romeinse Heilige Mis te vieren.