Francis: Better No Priest than a Priest of the Roman Rite

Francis, the Pope of "mercy", is still blocking priestly ordinations for the Missionnaires de la Miséricorde Divine in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, France.

One Missionaries of Divine Mercy has been awaiting for more than two years to be ordained a deacon and four deacons have been awaiting their priestly ordination for one year.

According to Father Jean-Raphaël Dubrule, the superior, this waiting is no longer linked to the situation in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, where ordinations have resumed, but to the fact that the community celebrates the Roman rite, as provided for in its statutes, which are approved by the Church.

He writes in a statement that there have been "many discussions" with Rome [= Francis], led by the coadjutor bishop, Mgr Touvet ("whom I warmly thank for his great support for our community").

Francis is blocking the situation not only because of the Roman rite ordination, but also because he doesn't want to "allow" the future priests to celebrate the Roman rite.

But then they would no longer be able to exercise their ministry within the community in accordance with the statutes, warns Father Dubrule.

Bergoglio's hatred of the TLM is on the level of a mental disorder.
Sandy Barrett shares this
Rome blocks ordinations of seminarians in French community that offers Latin Mass, superior says
Sean Johnson
Weird that Francis wouldn’t allow ordinations to a group naming themselves after a false and previously condemned apparition.
Wilma Lopez shares this
The Missionaries of Divine Mercy in the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, a society of apostolic life of diocesan right that uses the TLM, asks for very intense prayers. Their priestly and diaconal ordinations continue to be blocked by Rome. (The following is a quick machine translation, slightly edited.)
"... it appears that the situation is blocked not only because of the rite of ordination, but because …More
The Missionaries of Divine Mercy in the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, a society of apostolic life of diocesan right that uses the TLM, asks for very intense prayers. Their priestly and diaconal ordinations continue to be blocked by Rome. (The following is a quick machine translation, slightly edited.)
"... it appears that the situation is blocked not only because of the rite of ordination, but because of the possibility for future priests to be able to celebrate in the ancient rite. No certainty regarding this possibility is given by the Roman authorities, and it could therefore be that candidates are ordained without having the right to celebrate later according to the ancient rite. They would then no longer be able to exercise their ministry within the community and in accordance with the statutes."
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus zijn misdaden tegen de menselijkheid. Het volk zal in opstand komen tegen paus Franciscus?
Naomi Arai
Plan B, turn to the SSPX.
Lisi Sterndorfer