
Witness: Cardinal Farrell Is Lying

Cardinal Kevin Farrell, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, was far closer to the homosexual abuser, Father Marcial Maciel, than he admits, the former priest Paul Lennon has stated …More
Cardinal Kevin Farrell, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, was far closer to the homosexual abuser, Father Marcial Maciel, than he admits, the former priest Paul Lennon has stated. Lennon belonged for 23 years to the Legion of Christ, founded by Maciel.
Lennon joined the order together with Farrell's brother Brian who is now a bishop in the Roman Curia.
In November 2016 Cardinal Farrell told the Irish Times that “maybe I would have met Maciel once or twice, but I never suspected anything”.
Lennon does not believe him. Talking to Churchmiltant.com (July 25) he states that Farrell knew Maciel “on a personal basis”.
According to Lennon's information, Farrell and other Legionaries participated on at least one occasion in a "pillow fight in their pyjamas to entertain Maciel.”
Already while being a seminarian in Rome, Farrell received special tasks from Maciel like being the chauffeur for the late Argentina born Curia Cardinal Eduardo Pironio (+1998).
Lennon said that …More
Dr Bobus
Is that the face of an honest man?
angry bob