
A CATHOLIC Jesuit High School: Miracle or Oxymoron?

The all-boys Jesuit High School (JHS) in Tampa, Florida, is Catholic although it is run by Jesuits (CatholicNewsAgency.com, September 20).

• JHS encourages students to share their faith with their peers.

• A total of 104 students have been baptised since 2010.

• For Father Richard Hermes, SJ, the president of JHS, “nothing” is more important than promoting the faith and leading the young men to God.

• Retreats are a big part of the school's ministry.

• A key factor in the campus’ “dynamic, orthodox, authentically Catholic culture” is the availability of the sacraments.

• There is daily Mass, regular Eucharistic adoration, confessions.

• The crown jewel of JHS is the multimillion-dollar Holy Cross Chapel, a Romanesque edifice dedicated in 2018.

• JHS values “beautiful, noble, dignified liturgies” making the Masses and other liturgies “as dignified and solemn as possible.”

• Groups of eight to 10 students meet regularly at lunchtime to discuss their faith.

• The school has a “rock-solid theology department” that offers truth combined with “unapologetic and uncompromising” love.

Picture: Jesuit High School, #newsVjhtuswuhw

Simon North
They are being taught the compromised Conciliar version of Catholicism - which ain't Catholic.
Charles Mangerian
We don’t your kind of negativity. We should rejoice over those rays of sunshine Our Lord gives us in these dark times.
Simon North
Charlie, you sound like a product of effeminate post-conciliarism. Since when is telling the truth "negative"? Since when is a school which embraces the errors of the past 60 years a "ray of sunshine"?
Vincent Capuano
Viva Cristo Rey
The good Jesuits are good. Sad story is they are just a few.
Jan Joseph
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