False Comedian Tells Children in Francis' Presence that "There Is Only Heaven"

Roberto Benigni, an Italian comedian, lied about eternity in the presence of Pope Francis at the Vatican's first World Children's Day on 26 May. "I can't lie in front of His Holiness," Benigni pretended …More
Roberto Benigni, an Italian comedian, lied about eternity in the presence of Pope Francis at the Vatican's first World Children's Day on 26 May.
"I can't lie in front of His Holiness," Benigni pretended, "don't make me lie in front of the Pope, because later, when I die, I'll be standing there with St Peter and he'll say to me: 'Oh, Benigni, you lied in front of the Pope. Oh, now I have to send you to hell or purgatory: 50 years! Mamma mia! What a shock!'"
"But I always think that when I die I'll be standing at the gates of heaven with St Peter waiting to judge me, and I always hope he'll give me a scape and let me go: Benigni, don't make me think again - go! I always hope so".
"But you all, don't be afraid, because there is no hell, no purgatory. There is only heaven, where you are now, the realm of childhood, of youth, full of dreams".
Tony M
Jorge leaves us with no doubt he is a serial....manifest....pertinacious....therefore formal....heretic!!!
Anyone who cannot see this now.... after after 11 years of his scandalising the faithful, and the children of the faithful, are being willfully naive and blindly ignorant. Being silent and naysaying in the face of evil taking place before your very eyes....will not get you to Heaven!!!!
Tony M
It is cowardly to say that there is nothing we can do about the heretic Bergoglio as he systematically destroys our Church bit by bit...day by day....until there is almost nothing left of it. Pathetic!!!
Jeffrey Ade
@Tony M Great links! We can fight by fulfilling Our Lady of Fatima's requests! The Rosary is the weapon! God bless you!
He was also making fun of other Catholic dogmas saying that perhaps among the children there was the first future female pope. Moreover, he said that according to Bergoglio the noise made by children during the Mass / homily was more important that words of a pope or other priest preaching.
Boanerges Boanerges
Scandalizing the little ones
Tony M
Yes....pure evil!!!
la verdad prevalece
The anti-Catholic and apostate gay activist Bergoglio not only mocks God himself but is also an accomplice of those who mock God.
la verdad prevalece
Roberto Benigni violates the First and Second Commandments in addition to lying. And he commits the sin of idolatry by putting Bergoglio above God.
Tony Smith
A case of the blind preaching to the blind. I think God has a sense of humour . . .
Tony M
Nuthin' funny about what is happening here....it is pure evil!!!
Boanerges Boanerges
Bergoglio is the king of PR! He always seems so spontaneous and clumsy yet there is no clumsiness or accident in promoting always the same message: there is no hell, no sin, no need for salvation, no need for Christ.
Christopher Shahrazade
And none of the cardinals or bishops stand up to him to refute him. Cowards. They're probably all gay. Like Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
@Boanerges Boanerges Exactly they falsely claim that there is no hell, that is to say that there is no need for the Redemption of Christ, but nevertheless they all put the false Pope Bergoglio above the Word of God.
Christopher Shahrazade
Isn't what Begnini said in front of the children just exactly nearly word for word what heretic Pope Francis stated or strongly implied in speeches more than once? I think so. And the cowardly cardinals and bishops cowered in the shadows saying nothing.
He should be terrified. It’s not Pope Francis he’ll need to be worried about on that Great Day.
Everyday for Life Canada
Comedian Roberto Benigni shows how he’s past his his best before date.