
Cardinal Celebrates “Ramadan At Home”

Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols joined the May 6 Muslim Iftar which is the breaking of the Ramadan fast at sunset. Nichols has been celebrating Ramadan since 2017. This year he joined “Ramadan at …More
Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols joined the May 6 Muslim Iftar which is the breaking of the Ramadan fast at sunset.
Nichols has been celebrating Ramadan since 2017.
This year he joined “Ramadan at Home” together with Protestant and Jewish leaders in an online Zoom conference (pictured).
The picture below shows Nichols in 2009 during a Hindu ritual in London.
Gesù è con noi
This is a cardinal who forbade his flock to celebrate Easter
Child of Our Lady
What's missing here? That's right. Supernatural faith.
Well Satan is no doubt right there with his followers....
Adds a different meaning to "a good religious person. He is probably what they now call a good multi religious person "Eventually they will do movie about him "A man for all religions, but not faithful to one.
comfort ye
If he really loved Jesus, he couldn't do this. Needs prayer seriously.
Be Ye Separate
Celebrating the ways of the mass murderer Muhammad? The Muhammadans deny that our Lord Jesus was Crucified.
St. Paul to the Corinthians, "But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews indeed a stumbling block, and unto the Gentiles foolishness:"
So Cardinal Nichols is celebrating non-Christian religious holidays. What's wrong with this picture?
When the muslins take over, the cardinal will lose his head
Why not, his already lost his head spiritually next would be mentally. The time after that will be some pain around the neck but nothing to serious; like the loss of faith.
No he won't -- do you doubt he will fully and publicly Apostatize in that circumstance?