
Covid Injection: Fauci Lied and Children Died

120K children, teens and young adults died “suddenly” in the US by October 2022 after the “emergency use” authorisation of Covid injections, writes Expose-News.com (March 25)

• The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that nearly 500K children and young adults died within a year of introducing Covid injections with over 118K of those deaths suspected to be due to the Covid injections.

• The report is hushed up by the oligarchs’ media.

• Excess deaths among those aged 0-44 were significantly higher every single week in 2021 than they were in 2020 except for weeks 29 and 30. In week 31, excess deaths rose significantly, and this trend has continued in 2022.

• 2021 saw 27,227 more excess deaths by week 40 following the roll-out of Covid injections compared to the Covid hysteria in 2020 when there were no injections.

• This trend continued in 2022 with 7,680 more excess deaths compared to 2020.

• Nearly 500K people aged 0 to 44 have died since week 51 of 2020 (= roll-out of Covid injections) which resulted in 117,719 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.


Fr Dan
And many if you knew this was going to happen from day 1. And sadly so many refused to listen to reason.
Herod and Pharaoh are gone Fauci needs to stand trial for what is done and doing
Herod, Pharaoh Fauci nothing new under the sun