When John Paul II met [yet not praised] abortionist Emma Bonino. ... along wiht Marco Pannella.More
When John Paul II met [yet not praised] abortionist Emma Bonino.

... along wiht Marco Pannella.
Didn't you know? JPII had no clue about anybody. He was surrounded by people who kept him in the dark for almost thirty years as pope. Incredible how they pulled that off.
Ludovic Denim
@JTLiuzza you should read the book on John-Paul 2 by Don Luigi Villa. This latter was mandated by the last Italian great Saint Padre Pio and the Pope Pius XII. His book is free on the web... Read it carefully, along with the one on Paul 6 beatified in order to make yourself an opinion.
Thanks, Ludovic. My post was intended with a bit of sarcasm. As ludicrous as the explanation is, the only way for the groupies worshiping in the cult of JPII to make themselves comfortable with the unsavory fact that so much filth was permeating the Church and festering while he sat on the throne for almost thirty years is to tell themselves that he simply didn't know about any of it. Lunacy.