
Covid Injections Kill Athletes

673 athletes have died in sixteen months after the Covid injections started until April 2022 (42/month), but this number could be much higher, Expose-News.com (June 4) writes.

List of the victimshere.

From 1966 to 2004 the comprehensive number of athletes’ deaths was 1’101 (2,4/month).

The likely reason for this: studies show that the risk of severe coronary problems – especially myocarditis - more than doubled months after the injections were administered.


Servant Of Divine Mercy
One more comment from Servant Of Divine Mercy
Lisi Sterndorfer
Deep down, I think we all knew this: Studies have found that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines offer almost no protectio
INSANITY: NB Minister of Education wants to ban unvaccinated from schools and hospitals - The Counter Signal against COVID over time, particularly against the Omicron variant.
but in Canada the mandates are still on