
Spain: Homosexual perverts Our Lady

Calahorra-Logroño Diocese, Spain, has condemned a homosex event held in Logroño on June 20, called “drag gala” and organised by a group called Gylda. A homosexual mocked the Blessed Mother by performing …More
Calahorra-Logroño Diocese, Spain, has condemned a homosex event held in Logroño on June 20, called “drag gala” and organised by a group called Gylda. A homosexual mocked the Blessed Mother by performing as the "Virgin of Logroño". His costume was declared the best of the evening. The diocesan statement called it “a real insult to Christians”, adding that artistic freedom doesn't mean the right to violate the sanctity of religious beliefs.
Agatha James
Gloria TV you just compounded the Sacrilege.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
And these women in the audience just sit there and smile or applauded. I'm a teacher in public school. I have been for 3 years and we just finished finished the school year on June 17th. But I have to report, that the LGBTQ agenda, TRANS, allowing kids to identify as cats and punishing children who laugh at them, forcing kids to attend drag Queen story hours during school days, forcing children to …More
And these women in the audience just sit there and smile or applauded. I'm a teacher in public school. I have been for 3 years and we just finished finished the school year on June 17th. But I have to report, that the LGBTQ agenda, TRANS, allowing kids to identify as cats and punishing children who laugh at them, forcing kids to attend drag Queen story hours during school days, forcing children to applaud homosexuality and TRANs, promoting all this is largely done by women...teachers across the USA in all levels of academia.
We had a GAY PRIDE PARADE and barbeque on our campus right before final exams. One of the floats was Marvel Superheroes. There were 4-5 gay students who took on the roles of some characters, and the Gay Pride Club on campus (there's about 100+ LGBTQ students at our school, and 3 teachers who I know are lesbians) wanted me to portray Prince Namor the Submariner superhero on the float because I suppose I look the part. When I saw that my costume would only be a gold mesh thong and holding a trident, I refused. Most people, including the students, understood even though many were disappointed. But the three women Lesbian teachers stirred up a protest against me for backing out of the parade. One was literally in my face saying, "are you a racist, are you anti-gay..!!" It was a lot of pressure, and for the first time since I've been teaching, for those two weeks, I hated it. But the school board shut them down and threatened to discipline two of the women...including firing them. And the board apologized to me. Walking down the hall, some students even applauded me when they saw me, and I got a mound of thank you cards for I suppose being a good teacher from students in my mail box on the last day of school. I appreciated it.
But the point is that apparently, it is mostly women who are fanning this wave of LGBTQ agenda at least in the schools. Good parents and teachers have to fight back to stop it.
I'm not saying women are to blame for all this tidal wave of LGBTQ /TRANS agenda, but a huge number support it, and they have to be countered with reasoned protest and electing men and women on school boards etc. who oppose this agenda, not support it. That goes for electing opponents of LGBTQ's in Congress too....not voting more in.
Credo .
Unfortunately most of them know exactly what they are doing. (Pray for the conversion of poor sinners). 🙏 🙏 🙏
Credo .
Why O Why is Gloria displaying this un-catholic picture? 😭
English Catholic
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do . . .