
650-Page Gay Myth Sponsored By Vatican's Gay Faction Underway

A homosexual French activist*, close to the French Socialist Party, has written a soon to be released 650-page gay myth against the Church.

Among others, he insults Cardinal Raymond Burke comparing him to a "drag-queen”.

The homosexual received access to 41 cardinals, 52 bishops and prelates, and 45 nuncios - all of them too ready to collaborate with a gay propagandist who spreads falsehood.

The only interesting information in the book is copied from Archbishop Viganò who testified that he informed Francis already in 2013 about the McCarrick abuses. The homosexual only adds that this was "not enough" for Francis to condemn Cardinal McCarrick.

Italian journalist Marco Tosatti calls this attack on Francis “friendly fire” as the homosexual otherwise speaks enthusiastically of Francis.

*The name of the author/book are omitted in order not to avoid making publicity.

Cardinal kick that ball where the sun don't shine.
Long excerpt of “In the Closet of the Vatican”:
Dr Bobus
The West has been the cause of its own corruption.
In fact, Putin has made it clear that he considers homosexuality to be deviant behavior. Whatever Putin's warts, he seems to understand the decadence of the West.More

The West has been the cause of its own corruption.

In fact, Putin has made it clear that he considers homosexuality to be deviant behavior. Whatever Putin's warts, he seems to understand the decadence of the West.
Your are correct and this is why the west is most certainly going to be punished by God the Father!!! I’m ready
Let's leave the judging of entire civilizations (which includes the very seat of the Catholic Church, btw) to the only Judge worthy of such a decision. I'll wager my faith He hasn't asked you to draft an amicus curaie, nor will He.
On a purely theological point, you seem awfully certain of your readiness to be judged. Given some of the opinions you've expressed recently, I beg you to reconsider …More
Let's leave the judging of entire civilizations (which includes the very seat of the Catholic Church, btw) to the only Judge worthy of such a decision. I'll wager my faith He hasn't asked you to draft an amicus curaie, nor will He.

On a purely theological point, you seem awfully certain of your readiness to be judged. Given some of the opinions you've expressed recently, I beg you to reconsider that self-assessment.
Check this link out, explains how and why Russia was never truly consecrated
Dr Bobus
I already know why Russia was not consecrated.
This link explains it perfectly, check it outMore

This link explains it perfectly, check it out
All of this is a result of church leaders not obeying our lady’s orders to consecrate Russia!!! Seems the only way to correct things is WW3
alex j
Careful, firstly OBL did not order any one to do anything. She requested. This theologically is more correct as our OBL would be very mindful of freewill, "Fiat" was her response to the Angel. Secondly. despite the numerous detractors, Sister Lucia confirmed to Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to heaven. Arguments to the contrary deny this but have no basis in fact. What …More
Careful, firstly OBL did not order any one to do anything. She requested. This theologically is more correct as our OBL would be very mindful of freewill, "Fiat" was her response to the Angel. Secondly. despite the numerous detractors, Sister Lucia confirmed to Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to heaven. Arguments to the contrary deny this but have no basis in fact. What cannot be argued away is the dramatic fall of communism both external to Russia and internal. The depiction of the Berlin Wall being physically dismantled, epitomised the dramatic events of that time. Fast forward to today and we see that Russia has become one of the most Christian countries in the world. I know, I know, it's not a Catholic country in the classic sense, but what country can claim to be classically catholic? Certainly not the Vatican, or Ireland, Austria, Italy, France. etc.etc. The collapse of communism surely is the clearest indicator that heaven did hear its servant Pope John Paul, but we should not overlook the many, many prayers of the church and its faithful during the dark days that besieged the countries under the yoke of communism. Nor should we minimise the role the USA [President Reagan] played in bringing down the 'Berlin Wall'.
Well said,
but I do not recall any real or authentic consecration of Russia by any of the Popes yet. Sister Lucia stated that, our lady said “ all the bishops must gather with the pope and perform it. There has never been one single event of all bishops gathered together with pope to consecrate....